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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Waitress Repays $1,000 She Stole From Arizona Restaurant 20 Years Ago

Wow, this waitress really want to make things right. The waitress at El Charro Cafe in Tucson, AZ apologizes for stealing $1,000 20 years ago. The woman could have just kept quiet and never said a word because no one would know right? Well, this woman grew up in the church and remember the commandment, "Thou shalt not steal," and that reminded her that God knew that what the waitress was doing was wrong and the waitress couldn't be at peace with herself. The woman wrote a hand-written apology letter by the way (BTW) very neat penmanship, and have the money, cash that is, said that a waiter who she worked with told her to not ring up a few drinks and the waitress listened to him. This woman in my humble opinion should be forgiven for what she has done. This woman wanted to make things right and even though people may wonder why it took 20 years for this waitress to make things right, you have to ask yourself what would you have done if you have been in her situation. It took a lot of courage for this woman to apologize and make up for it paying the restaurant back the money that she stole. I'm sure at the time, this woman never thought that a co-worker would have told her to do something wrong like steal. The woman said that she had grew up in church and have never stolen before she stole money at the restaurant and have not stolen again after she stole money from the restaurant. Apology heartfelt=Apology Accepted and Waitress Forgiven. My 2 Cents.🙇😞😟

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