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Thursday, June 29, 2017

President Trump's Tweets to Morning Joe Scarborough & Mika Brzezinski

President Trump let it been known that he had enough with Joe Scarborough & Scarborough's fiancee Mika Brzezinski.

Do I think that President Trump always responded to insults from others in a mature way? No I don't always agree and I can say that respectfully. President Trump does not pick insult fights with people, people pick insult fights with President Trump. President Trump would like to focus on the issues that we care about like Health Care, the economy, stopping terrorism, making our world a better place, etc. It's the media that want to concoct a story and focus on negative things about President Trump and his administration and all the media is doing is making people less likely to believe anything that the media have to say. President Trump has been totally mistreated by the media. No matter what the media says about President Trump (which the media have been proven to look stupid), President Trump's supporters will continue to pray and support President Trump and his administration. I've read all of the negative headlines on Yahoo news about what Joe Scarborough had to say about President Trump. I want to say this. "If you don't like someone or what he or she stand for why waste your time saying anything about them media?" President Trump felt that enough was enough and maybe Joe's fiancee Mika might have been impressed by Joe's negative remarks about President Trump, since Joe is a Conservative and Mika is a Liberal that they can agree that they don't agree with President Trump on how he is running the country. Melania Trump said this so eloquently when she was talking about her husband President Trump, "If you attack my husband with insults he will attack you with insults 10 times harder than you attacked him." Media y'all were warned throughout the time then candidate Trump was running for President & now that he's President Trump you need to stop asking President Trump what he think about those who has attacked him because President Trump will tell you the truth and President Trump is not being a bully for his comments (The media just can't handle the truth).


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

John McEnroe's Statement

Have former tennis player John McEnroe cross the line when he said that Serena Williams would rank 700 among men tennis players?

Former Tennis Player John McEnroe who is known for his "off the wall" comments may have fell for the bait when he was asked a "loaded question" by a reporter.  The first question Mr. McEnroe was asked by the reporter is "Do you think that Serena Williams is the best female tennis player?" John McEnroe said, "Yes she is the best female tennis player." The second question Mr. McEnroe was asked by the reporter is "Do you think that Serena Williams is the best tennis player in the world?" John McEnroe mentioned "Do you mean better than men tennis players?" The reporter responded, "Yes." Mr. McEnroe said, "Serena Williams would rank 700th among men tennis players." Here is how John McEnroe fell for the bait. The reporter baited you Mr. McEnroe by asking you if think that Serena Williams is the best tennis player in the world to get a reaction from you and you took the bait by making it who is better at tennis men or women and responded the way that you did. All you had to say Mr. McEnroe is that you would rank Serena Williams in the Top 10 greatest tennis players list and there would have been no problem. This is just one of the "off the wall" comments that John McEnroe has said. Serena Williams naturally responded by saying, "Please keep me out of your conversation making statements that is not true about me!" I commend Serena Williams for defending herself and saying what she said. Williams basically said "You fell for the bait when the reporter asked you a loaded question but don't try to use that to try to bring what I've accomplished in tennis to try to diminish me as a tennis player compared to a former tennis player like yourself."

Monday, June 26, 2017

Connecticut leaning Red

Donald Trump be elected President and how it could change Connecticut

Connecticut have always been a moderate blue state that could vote either Republican or Democrat. For the most part, Democrats controlled the House and the Senate in Connecticut. Here's how things have changed when America elected Republican Donald Trump. Connecticut Republicans have won 8 House seats to cut the Democrats narrow lead 79-72 in the House. The Democrats had a 21-15 lead until the Republicans won 3 seats to tie the Democrats 18-18 split in the Senate (the first time the Senate has been split since 1893). To be realistic we have Democrat Governor Dannel P. Malloy who has the worst approval rating in America in my state of Connecticut. If these things are not an incentive for moderate CT to go red then I don't what is. CT is the Constitutional state and I will have a video why on my blog below. Connecticut (7 electoral votes) is also a small state that came up with the Connecticut Compromise I will also have a video below when New Jersey (small state 14 electoral votes) and Virginia (big state 13 electoral votes) bickered on whose plan was better which each other only benefited with only one plan (one benefited small states only and one benefited big states only). 

I'm sorry I had to put some history in there for all of my readers but we felt that the experiment of former President Obama and Governor Malloy has woke America up to where it's time to go back to prospering and being great again. President Trump "Make America Great Again" is the perfect example of that for us from the East Coast. It don't take long for people to make a stand when they are seeing people who were once working full-time good paying jobs to being laid off or working 2 part-time jobs. I'm optimistic and I have seen how my state went from going moderate to left or right to going far left and it has been a disaster the past 10 plus years. I'm not going to rant and rave because it does no good but I'm thankful that none of the economic problems caused me to go into a depression. It wouldn't surprise me if CT House could go red to where the Republicans could control the House.  

Friday, June 23, 2017

47 Groups Sign Letter Demanding End to Johnson Amendment So Churches Have Free Speech

47 Groups Sign Letter Demanding End to Johnson Amendment So Churches Have Free Speech: Alliance Defending Freedom joined 47 other signatories to a letter delivered to congressional leaders this week that encourages them to make hearings and votes

So far 47 Groups have signed a letter to repeal the Johnson Amendment. I've heard that the Johnson Amendment was implemented in 1954. This Amendment targeted churches especially Pastors being threatened to be reported by the IRS if the Pastors shared their political views on the pulpit. It was a scare tactic that ultimately intimidated Pastors and churches to be investigated if he or she talked about endorsing any particular candidate or candidates running for office. No churches were ever investigated but the 1st Amendment (the right of free speech) was violated. I admired the different Pastors that spoke out and said what candidate that they said who they were standing by. The Johnson Amendment had no affect on the unapologetic Pastors but I wish more Pastors will stand up for their morals and values especially when they are constitutional, ethical, and moral. President Trump said that he would repeal the Johnson Amendment. I respect what Republican Steve Scalise and Republican Jody Hice are doing. Non profit organizations should be able to have a right to talk about everything that is of importance to them especially if the organizations are doing things for a good cause and should not be penalized for doing so.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Assisted Suicide Prevention

I can't believe that anyone would want to assist anyone to die. Suicides tend to happen when people who don't have a will to live because they feel like their life is so pathetic that it's not worth living. Confused people who are not well think that way. Sadly, they are drugging people and adding doses in the drugs to end someone else's life. The immediate response when anyone says that he or she want to die or commit suicide is that there is "no way on earth that I'm assisting you in killing yourself!" The different doctors who participate in assisted suicide tend to be insane doctors in my opinion. A lot of senior citizens have been manipulated by some of these insane doctors that it's alright to help them die if he or she wants to die. This is my very first blog talking about Assisted Suicide Prevention. It's different when people decide to take their own life and there is no way on earth you could stop him or her because you were not there at the time of their depression or when he or she took their last breath. We need to have all kinds of help for people who have suicidal thoughts. Oregon and Washington States already legalized assisted suicide and other states that joined them are the following: Hawaii, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Pennsylvania. It's not fair that senior citizens are put in such a predicament because they were abandoned and no one came to see about them before they became terminally ill. A lot of cold-hearted people think and act without compassion and that is what really hurts the most. The sense of "false hope" and when the words "dying with dignity" are being used to brainwash seniors, that let us know seniors are manipulated to think they are all terminally ill and diagnosed with all kinds of diseases like all seniors are not well which is totally not all true. No one is dying with dignity when they are being assisted in dying. Whether that person have 20 years left to live or only 3 months left to live; being diagnosed by doctors assisting or coaching anyone to help them end their life is the same thing as helping them murder their self. No one have a choice to help someone if they want to die, then it's his or her choice because there is nothing you can do that will change their mind other then pray that they had Jesus Christ in their life before they died.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Republican Karen Handel wins Georgia House seat

I was glad when I watched the results last night on WFSB 3 news that Republican Karen Handel won the 6th district in Georgia in a runoff against Jon Ossoff. No matter what dirt they try to throw at the Republicans the Republicans always come out victorious. I was praying & pulling for Karen Handel to win even when Jon Ossoff was in a dead heat with Karen Handel. Despite being outspent by the Democrat Jon Ossoff proves that money can't buy votes as Handel still won in a state that a Democrat have not won in the 6th district in 39 years (1978). No matter what the media try to say about the Republicans, the Republicans always come out victorious. Media and Democrats, the hating on the Republicans only motivate them and don't be surprise if some of them blue states vote in Republicans. My state of CT have 18 Republicans and 18 Democrats, which my state have not had a split Senate since the 1890's. Anyway, I am proud of the outcome of the Georgia 6th district and may Karen Handel continue to improve the Peach State of Georgia.👏👏😤😤 

Monday, June 19, 2017

London fire: Prime minister orders full public inquiry/Condemning London Terror Attack

Words can't describe how disturbing the terrorist attacks that have happened in the UK. Prime Minister Theresa May has addressed the issues in London. What is sad is that more and more terrorists are running over the non-terrorists in vans, stabbing them to death, London is dealing with fires that have happened, and the last terrorist attack were against Muslims. The US stand not just with our Allies Israel but we also have a bond with the UK and we have to keep them in prayer too. Many preachers want to come to London and spread the Gospel and London will continue to be in my prayers along with Prime Minister Theresa May and the other leaders and officials in the UK. We talk a lot about what we are dealing with the economic problems in the US but we can't forget that there are countries dealing with their struggles as well. I thought that I would write this blog about keeping London in prayer because they need the prayers too.🙏🙏🙏 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Fictional Story: Sandra Hodges Interviews Heavyweight Boxing Champion Todd McNeil

Live on 610AM Sports Radio in Philadelphia, PA with host Sandra Hodges. Sandra Hodges asks Heavyweight Champion Todd McNeil about his fight with former Champ Andre (Killer) Morris who Todd McNeil beat in an upset that people are still remembering.

Sandra: Good Afternoon everyone tuning in. I am Sandra Hodges and I'm your host for 610AM Sports Radio in the city of brotherly love in Philly. My guest on today's show via telephone is the Heavyweight Champion Todd McNeil. Good Afternoon Todd!

Todd: Good Afternoon Sandra and thanks for having me on your radio show.

Sandra: Your welcome and I'm glad that you can take the time out of your busy schedule to do this telephone interview. I wanted to ask you some questions.

Todd: Ask away Sandra!

Sandra: You challenged then Champion Andre Morris for the Heavyweight Title 5 years ago. Can you please tell me what made you have the courage to step in the ring to fight someone who was so dominant in boxing like Andre Morris?

Todd: Actually, I was nervous when I challenged Andre Morris to the Heavyweight Title.

Sandra: Were there any doubts that were in your mind that had you thinking that there was no chance that you could beat Andre Morris for the Heavyweight Title?

Todd: Yes. Andre Morris had such an intimidation on his face, he looked like he wanted to "punch my face in." I had to give him my best in order to have any chances of pulling off the upset and stop Andre Morris's undefeated boxing record.

Sandra: What was it like for you growing up Todd?

Todd: I'm originally from Scranton, PA and I lived in Scranton for 13 years. I grew up in an environment where we were taught not to fight. People trashed talked each other but it never led to fist fighting. I moved to Philadelphia where trash talking lead to fist fighting. I lived in Philly for the past 21 years.

Sandra: I've read about how you had to deal with bullies moving from the suburbs of Scranton and into the ghetto of Philly. What was that change like for you Todd?

Todd: When bullies used to beat me up they were of very few words. Either I give them what they wanted or I got beat down. Getting beat down as often as I did my trainer came to me and said, "Hey kid who are you?" I told my trainer Vinnie, "I'm Todd McNeil!" Vinnie said these very words to me that changed the way that I looked at bullies beating me up. Vinnie said, "You don't deserve getting the crap beaten out of you every day like this, let me teach you how to fight kid!"

Sandra: Did challenging Andre Morris to the Heavyweight Title motivate you that this is how you and anyone who have been bullied can stand up to bullies?

Todd: Yes. If you let the bully know that you're not a coward either the bully will back off and leave you alone or the bully will wind up being your friend.

Sandra: Can you tell me what were you thinking in that last round when you won the title against Andre Morris?

Todd: Sure. Andre Morris always sets you up in the corner with jabs and uppercuts, when you are trapped in the corner there is nothing anyone can do. Andre Morris does his famous hay-maker. I've watched him do this a lot of in his fights. While me and Morris were fighting back and forth I had Morris up against that corner and when Morris tried to move back he was trapped against the ropes. I uppercuted Morris and pulled off the upset.

Sandra: That is a wonderful story Todd and come on the radio show again anytime.

Todd: Thank you and will do Sandra.

Sandra: That is all for today with my telephone interview with Heavyweight Champion Todd McNeil. If you want to see the fight that Todd McNeil had with Andre Morris you will get to read the story about the whole fight online.


Meanwhile, a scrawny kid by the name of Todd McNeil came from Scranton, PA. This kid learned how to fight because he used to get beat up by bullies in the 8th grade and all through high school. Vinnie would invite McNeil to the boxing ring to teach him how to fight because McNeil used to have black-eyes. Todd McNeil decided to finally learn how to fight when he was 18 and he went through light weight boxing matches where he would learn to develop as he would fight different fighters from all parts of Pennsylvania. A bum named Richard Newton went the distance with Todd McNeil when they fought in Philadelphia. This fight was the worst light weight fight that the crowd in Philly had ever seen. The 2 guys traded punches back and forth until McNeil finally got the advantage when he knocked out Newton in the 7th round. Todd McNeil now at age 29 has a record of 29-5. 

McNeil's trainer Vinnie said, "I got to tell you this kid, you have a lot of heart and you give it your all every time you step into the ring."

Todd McNeil replies, "I want a shot at the heavy weight title against Andre (Killer) Morris Vinnie!"

Vinnie answers, "Kid he will knock you into next week, you don't stand a chance against this kid."

Todd McNeil's response is, "But I'm hungry, I can go the distance and pull off an upset just train me."

Vinnie replies, "I admire your optimism but he will knock you out kid."

Todd McNeil answered, "I can beat all the odds that are stacked against me."

Vinnie says, "You know what you got a lot of guts kid and I will take you up on your challenge and set up the title bout with you and Andre Morris."

"All I want is a chance to prove to the world that I can pull off the upset," utters Todd McNeil.

Andre Morris issued a challenge to anyone who wanted to challenge him for the title.

He responded by saying, "If there is a challenger that will fight me and can last 5 rounds and can beat me then I will congradulate him for beating me."

Todd McNeil stepped up and said, "Hey Andre Morris I will challenge you for your heavy weight title!"

Andre Morris replied, "Alright Todd McNeil you're on, the fight will be in Madison Square Garden!" 

The fight would take place in Madison Square Garden. The trainers had a chance to train their fighters for the title. No boxer was taking anything lightly. Vinnie was working on helping Todd McNeil's focus level for the fight. Andre Morris was taking out his aggression on the punching bag.

It was a sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden and the ring announcer would announce the fighters as they prepared to fight.

Vinnie gave Todd McNeil some words of advice by saying, "The best advice that I can give you is to fight this guy hard kid and go out there and win!"

Todd McNeil was motivated from that.

The announcer said, "First the challenger at 5' 11" tall weighing at 205 LBS from Scranton, PA Todd McNeil."

Naturally the crowd booed because Todd McNeil was from Pennsylvania.

Then the announcer said, "And here is your heavy weight champion at 6' 1" weighing at 215 LBS from Brooklyn, New York they call him the "Killer instinct" Andre (Killer) Morris."

The crowd is on their feet cheering their hometown favorite champion Morris.

The ref told the 2 fighters, "Hey, I want a clean fight, no hitting below the belt, and watch out for the rabbit punches."

The bell rings for round 1 to begin: Andre Morris is lighting Todd McNeil up with a series of right and left uppercuts to the face. Todd McNeil tries to punch Andre Morris in the jaw but Andre Morris ducks and uppercuts Todd McNeil in the stomach. Andre Morris is catching Todd McNeil with quick jabs to the face. Todd McNeil was trying to fight back but couldn't connect with any of his uppercuts. Andre Morris again is lighting Todd McNeil up with more quick jabs to Todd McNeil's face and have him up against the ropes and they are holding each other. The ref tells them to break it up. McNeil is able to get in a couple of jabs to Morris's head right before the bell rings. It was the end of round 1 and Morris takes round 1 easily against McNeil.

Both boxers go to their trainers and Vinnie tells McNeil, "Hey kid don't quit because you have more heart than him; he is just a fighter like you."

Gus tells Morris, "You got him right where you want him, put him away kid."

The bell rings for round 2 to start: Morris is catching McNeil with a series of lightning quick jabs and uppercuts to the chest and stomach. McNeil catches Morris with a nice uppercut to the head. Morris answers with an uppercut to McNeil's face and cut his eye open with that vicious blow. McNeil is trying to fight back with his one good eye and is able to catch Morris with uppercuts to his stomach and ribs and is able to catch him with a nice left hook to the jaw and knocks him on the ground. The ref counts 1, 2,3,4 and Morris gets back up. Morris is trying to catch McNeil with rights and lefts jabs but McNeil is dodging his hits. The bell rings and the fighters go back to their trainers. After 2 rounds it's even at 1 apiece.

Morris was stunned by McNeil's left hook in Round 2 of their Heavy Weight Championship boxing match that knocked Morris on the ground. Morris was able to get back up after the 4 count.

Gus to Morris: "Kid don't play nice, you got to beat this punk up good!"

Vinnie to McNeil: "Nice round McNeil you was able to weather the storm. Stay in the fight kid!"

Round 3 begins: Morris catches McNeil with a series of jabs to the face and head. McNeil tries to catch Morris with a right hook to the face but Morris dodges it and uppercuts McNeil in the face and continues to catch McNeil with jabs to McNeil's face. McNeil catches Morris with jabs to his chest and stomach. Morris catches McNeil with uppercuts to the ribs. McNeil tries to uppercut Morris in the head but Morris dodges it and catches McNeil with uppercuts to the face and a really nice uppercut to the jaw that sent McNeil to the ground. The ref counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 but McNeil somehow gets up to beat the 10 count. Morris is toying with McNeil with jabs to the face and head and jabs to the ribs and stomach. McNeil answers with uppercuts to the stomach. McNeil tried to catch Morris with a right hook to the jaw but Morris ducked and uppercuted McNeil in the face that sends McNeil right back on the ground again. The ref counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 but McNeil fights through the pain and refuse to stay down as he gets back up to beat the 10 count again. Morris clearly dominated the challenger McNeil in that 3rd round as the bell rings and both fighters go to their trainers.

Gus to Morris: "Kid you gave that kid the VIP (Very Intense Pain) treatment more punishment kid more punishment!"

Vinnie to McNeil: "McNeil continue to fight hard because you have a heart of a champion kid!"

Gus angrily responded, "What are you doing kid, fight back don't go toe to toe with this kid he will knock you out!"

Morris wasn't fighting smart at all and allowed for it to be a trading punches fight with him and McNeil.

Vinnie said, "Go for it McNeil you got this kid!"

McNeil and Morris continued to trade punches in the 5th and decisive round. McNeil caught Morris with a right hook to the nose and a nice uppercut in the eye. McNeil was jabbing away at Morris's chest and stomach. Morris tried to move back but was up against the ropes. McNeil uppercuted Morris in the jaw and Morris fell on the ground. The ref counted 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

The ref said, "You're out! The winner and the new heavy weight champion Todd McNeil."

The crowd cheered as Todd McNeil who was an underdog pulled off an upset to Andre Morris. After the fight was over Todd McNeil and Andre Morris shaked hands and Andre Morris congradulated Todd McNeil.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Nurse Fired for Refusing to Assist Abortions Takes Her Fight to Court

Nurse Fired for Refusing to Assist Abortions Takes Her Fight to Court: A Christian midwife filed her application with the European Court of Human Rights Wednesday against Sweden. Elinor Grimmark had to seek work in another country

I thought that I never heard anything more ridiculous until I read about a Christian midwife Elinor Grimmark who has been fired for not assisting abortions. Basically, Grimmark is fired for not murdering babies because the rule in Sweden as that nurses must assist in aborting babies. What is more ridiculous than Grimmark being fired because she won't assist in abortions is that no medical clinic will hire the newly graduate Grimmark in her country forcing Grimmark to find work outside of her country. Grimmark filed with the European Court of Human Rights because Grimmark's rights is being violated. Grimmark didn't become a midwife to help assist in murdering babies but to help bring life to babies. Grimmark want to be able to stand up for her beliefs without compromising her beliefs to medical clinics that don't accept Grimmark's human rights for life stance. Norway medical clinic is the only clinic that accepts Grimmark's human right for life stance.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Megyn Kelly Is a Colossal Failure: Even the Alex Jones Interview Won’t Help — He Used You

Megyn Kelly should have realized when Alex Jones said that Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT was a hoax in an interview that that interview should have never happened from the get go. This interview is going to be aired on Sunday January 18, 2017 on Father's Day. J.P. Morgan Chase has pulled Ads of Megyn Kelly and Sandy Hook cancelled an event that Megyn Kelly was supposed to speak at in Newtown because of Megyn Kelly's interview with Alex Jones. The gunman shooting and killing his mother was no hoax. The gunman shooting up 20 1st graders and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School was no hoax. Not only did the mom's lose their children but the dad's lost their children in the Sandy Hook shooting. I watched Megyn Kelly's show 2 times that it has been on NBC but her interview with Alex Jones should have been scratched. The 1st graders nor the adults did nothing to deserve having their lives taken from them. Everyone at Sandy Hook Elementary School were trying to have school and learn and all of that was taken away from the shooter Adam Lanza. Megyn Kelly is questionable with her methods as a news reporter and there are Megyn Kelly fans and Megyn Kelly haters out there. The Alex Jones interview does nothing to help her fans like Megyn Kelly anymore and it gives Megyn Kelly's haters more of a reason to hate on Megyn Kelly. The media thrive on reporting an icon falling from grace and it happens in sports, TV shows, cooking shows, movies, etc. A good news reporter asks questions and let the person who is being interviewed talk. He or she does not try to put the person who is being interviewed on the spot. For example, Megyn Kelly asked Vladimir Putin in an interview "Putin do you have anything damaging on President Trump?" Putin responded, "Did y'all in America lose y'all senses? Y'all must have boring lives to devote your time on talking about Russia." 

Here’s Another Reason Why Tim Tebow is Such a Good Christian Role Model for Kids

Here’s Another Reason Why Tim Tebow is Such a Good Christian Role Model for Kids: Even with all of our modern devotion to moral relativism, people still know virtue—and vice—when they see it. Chuck Colson liked to quote Karl Barth’s

Tim Tebow is an example of someone who is always doing for others and thank God for using Tebow to be able to be a blessing to others. Not too many athletes, celebrities, or others that are in the public eye showcase their strong faith in God like Tim Tebow, Kevin Durant, Jeremy Lin, Stephen Curry, etc. I remember one of the things Tebow did that the media hardly ever focus on when Christians do an act of kindness. I believe it was 2 years ago when Tebow was on an airplane and this woman and her family were going through a tough time in their life when the woman's husband had an heart attack and had a seizure. Tebow prayed for healing and comfort for the family during their tough time while the flight crew did chest compression to revive the passenger suffering from the seizure. Tebow was being obedient to the Lord because the woman and her family needed prayer. Tebow always have events like "A Night To Shine" and it's basically a prom for teenagers with special needs and different people talk about how it's a wonderful event where teenagers can interact with one another. Everyone is treated like Kings and Queens because the Lord look at all of his children as valuable in his sight. Tebow and his family are Unapologetic Pro-life Conservative Christians. I think what is so wonderful about young men and women who stand up for what they believe in is because of the background that he and she was raised in. I'm grateful to see people mentioned above standing up for their faith and unapologetic no matter if the rest of the world think that he or she is crazy! Tebow is also a prime example how success and failure are both experiences that we all can learn from.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Golden State Warriors 2017 NBA Champions!!!

The Golden State Warriors defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers 129-120 last night at Oracle Arena to win the series 4-1. Kevin Durant was the Warriors MVP scoring 39 points. KD decided to sign with the Golden State Warriors the Summer of 2016. Below I will have the story on why I felt that KD felt that he had to make the decision that KD felt was best for him on the blog that I wrote on wix.com

Kevin Durant decides to sign with the Golden State Warriors

Kevin Durant has been with the Seattle Super Sonics for a year and the Oklahoma City Thunder for 8 years when they moved to Oklahoma City. Durant was the #2 overall pick in the 2007 NBA draft with the Seattle Super Sonics. Kevin Durant has experienced some highs and lows in his NBA career. Durant has always been loyal to the fans and to Oklahoma City but when Kevin Durant became a free agent, Durant had a choice to either stay in Oklahoma City or go to Golden State. Durant decided for him that the perfect basketball move was to sign with the Golden State Warriors. The media went back from a tweet that Durant tweeted to Lebron James about not teaming up with a team that you're trying to beat when LeBron James announced back in 2010 that LeBron is taking his talents to South Beach in Miami. Thunder fans are thinking that Durant is guilty of doing the same thing by signing with the Warriors. The Warriors already have a championship caliber team in place, completely different case of scenario because Dwayne Wade recruited LeBron James and Chris Bosh to come to Miami to be the big 3 when it came to the leading scorers on the Miami Heat. LeBron couldn't convince Bosh or Wade to come to Cleveland because the Cleveland Cavaliers didn't have the superstars other than LeBron at the time either.

Thunder fans must know how it feel to have a super star break their heart like that because Cavaliers remember going through the same thing 6 years ago. Fans have to understand from an NBA basketball player point. The Thunder always had a good starting 5 but every time Durant and his Thunder got knocked out of the Western Conference Finals by a more talented team the question is/was would Durant ever win an NBA Championship. Durant was tired of coming up short and the media questioning can his Oklahoma City Thunder rebound and be the title contenders with the scoring duo of Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook. In my humble opinion, the reason why the Oklahoma City Thunder blew their 3-1 series lead against the Golden State Warriors in the Western Conference finals was because of lack of depth. Durant and Westbrook was logging heavy minutes because the Thunder lacked some key scorers that help lift their bench to help take the load off of Durant and Westbrook which at times I felt that Westbrook played like a true point guard and played a shooting guard trapped in a point guard's body hoisting up too many jump shots. Durant decided to go on a team he wanted to beat (that being the Warriors) that was a championship caliber team because of his team (that was the Oklahoma City Thunder) lack of depth so Durant don't always have to carry the scoring load. The Warriors are very stacked as a team, play really well together as a team so that every one will get their shots and points. Durant gives the Warriors another scorer that will help take the pressure off of Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green. As a fan you never like to see your favorite superstar of your team go to the team you want to so beat but it's part of the business. If Durant becomes a free agent again just maybe Durant may come back to OKC if and only if OKC have a championship caliber team.

Now Kevin Durant making the best basketball move for KD proved to be the wisest decision because KD won an NBA Championship. I personally feel that we will see Cavs-Warriors for about at least 3 or 4 more years. When Oklahoma City Thunder blew a 3-1 series against the Golden State Warriors last year and when the Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 series against the Cleveland Cavaliers last year Andre Iguodala recruited Kevin Durant to come to Golden State in the off season. KD decision was a no brainer when it came to coming to Golden State. KD can decide in a few years if KD want to go to another team and try and help them win a Championship if KD wants but KD will be in Golden State for a while Y'all. What does that mean? It's simple you stack your team with shooters like the Warriors if you want to have any chance at putting them out of the NBA Finals. In all honesty, you do the same thing to the Cavs by surrounding your team with shooters and excellent defenders. This league has changed since Michael Jordan has retired from the game. It's more running and shooting now. KD hugged his mom who KD referred to her as his "Most Valuable Player" (MVP) because how KD's mom kept the family together. Glad to see KD get the NBA Championship of 4 or 5 more NBA Championships that I think KD will get before KD decide to retire from basketball!😤

Kevin Durant averaged 35 points in the NBA Finals becoming the Golden State Warriors Most Valuable Player (MVP) and Win his first NBA Title.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Is Summer here yet? Poem

It's during the summer when a lot of people enjoy traveling
It's during the summer a lot of people enjoy going to the peach
Summer is a favorite season for some
'Cause there are a lot of cool events to go to
Graduations, weddings, relocating is popular especially in June
Even when summer is hot or cool
If you're wondering when summer is coming
Hearing the forecast of hot and humid days
To be alarmed to go to cooling centers and staying in doors
Also to drink a lot of cold water
Some people enjoy drinking cold iced coffee, iced tea, or sweet tea
Avoiding the muggy temperatures, thunderstorms, and getting heatstrokes
'Cause temperatures reaches triple digits even in parts of New England
If you're wondering when summer is getting here yet
The next few days of 90 plus degrees for New England is our forecast
For those of us who are looking forward to summer
Wait no more because summer is coming
Grilling and barbecuing is expected
'Cause holidays and anniversaries are always being celebrated
Relaxing and vacation time is happening
While waiting on the official day of summer is 11 days away
Being happy and looking forward to say
Summer is finally here 
Free from the stress of work and school
"Saying it out loud"
"Summer is finally here and I'm proud!"

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Golden State Warriors vs Cleveland Cavaliers - Game 3 - Full Game Highli...

The Golden State Warriors are a beast in the Post-Season. Did you expect the Defending Champions the Cleveland Cavaliers would be down 3-0 in the NBA Finals? If you were to tell me that the Golden State Warriors could sweep the Defending Champions Cavs I would have told you, "there is no way that the Cavs are going to be swept." Well, sometimes whether you a fan of a team or not, you have to admit that the other team is just better than your favorite team. The Warriors is too loaded for any team to play against them and the Warriors have proven that in this Post-Season. If I'm the Cavs, I would see about at least changing the starting lineup for Game 4 because nothing the Cavs in the 3 games against the Warriors have worked. The Warriors won Game 3 118-113 against the Cavs in Cleveland. The Warriors can both run and shoot the three's. The Cavs can shoot the three's but play a lot of one on one isolation. Cavs must think of a different game plan for Game 4 if they want to force Game 5 back to Oracle Arena in Golden State. Kevin Durant wants what LeBron James have 3 of and that's NBA Championships. I'm pulling for the Cavs not to be swept in the NBA Finals. No NBA team have ever come back from a 3-0 deficit in Playoffs to win a 7 Game series and Cleveland is faced with trying to see if they can make history twice when they were the first NBA team to come back from being down 3-1 to come back to win 4-3 in the NBA Finals in 2016.

Full James Comey Testimony on President Donald Trump, Russia Investigati...

The media focused on this hearing to try to get former FBI Director James Comey to discredit President Trump. For those who think Russia have influenced the 2016 US Presidential Election by hacking, the hacking supposedly happened in the summer of 2015 the same year the 17 Republicans announced that they were running for President and the 3 Democrats announced that they were running for President. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emails was under investigation since 2015 and in July of 2016 Clinton was cleared of reckless use of using classified emails although it was her carelessness and recklessness that put the US security at risk. Apparently, the US Intelligence Agency (17 Democrat Agencies) were doing an investigation on Russia hacking back in October of 2016. It seems to me when you are investigating you would try to investigate everything. The FBI Director was investigating Hillary Clinton's emails and the intelligence agency should have been investigating the year the hacking supposedly happened in 2015. So former Secretary of State should have been investigated for Russia hacking that year as well as her emails because of perhaps Russia interference in the Democratic Primary which was rigged for Clinton to win (Sarcasm). My point is when someone is being prosecuted for one area then he or she should be prosecuted for something related to a crime or crimes that they are charged of. This Russia interference is a "bunch of nonsense" in my opinion. When Democrats win you don't hear Republicans protesting and talking about changing the Electoral College because the Republicans lost. It's always "lets unite as one for the country" the Democrats favorite slogan but when the Republicans win it's "the election is rigged and Russia influenced the election" and the Democrats feel that "we should do away with the Electoral College (which will never happen) and based the election on the Popular vote." James Comey have flipped flopped saying Russia had no influence on the US Election-Russia have influenced the US Election. I think that Comey's explanation for why President Trump fired him is because it was over the Russia investigation which Comey said to President Trump that they are working on things when President Trump wanted this investigation to be over with already and that President Trump is not being investigated proved Comey to been caught in a lot of lies. I feel that had Hillary Clinton would have been President, then there wouldn't have been an investigation of Russia influencing on our US Election because of the double-standard law that is in place. That would mean that Clinton gets a pass if she does wrong but everyone else would "get the book thrown at them" if they are wrong. Comey tried to please the Democrats by clearing Clinton of wrongdoing and Comey tried to please the Republicans by reopening the investigation on Clinton's private use of her email server when Clinton's emails showed up on former disgraced Mayor of New York Anthony Weiner's laptop computer.  Comey has said a lot of the same things and they are all more of the same lies that Comey has told before. Comey looked like he was in front of a firing squad because he had an uncomfortable demeanor of testifying as a Former FBI Director. Anyway, Senator Marco Rubio look like he will make a great prosecutor!