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Friday, June 2, 2017

Kathy Griffin's Career over

Kathy Griffin needs to be quiet. Kathy Griffin more than crossed the line what she did. Then it blew up in her face on social media. Kathy Griffin only apologized because it hurt Barron Trump's feelings. Now Kathy Griffin is doing a press conference with her fake "crocodile tears" like she is the victim of bullying. No comedian/comedienne have ever went to the extreme to try to humiliate anyone. Kathy Griffin was fired from CNN and dropped from many different show gigs and rightfully so. What Kathy Griffin has done is not only inexcusable but it is also mean-spirited. 

I'm going to use a scenario to explain the difference between what Paula Deen someone who is also disgraced and Kathy Griffin being disgraced. Paula Deen immediately went on YouTube apologizing for what she had done calling blacks the "N" word. Paula Deen was a bank teller at a bank in Atlanta, GA back in 1987. A young black guy had a gun and held up a bank in Atlanta. Paula Deen in fear of her life cooperated but said the "N"word to him out of fear why the black guy was robbing the bank. The media mainly bashed Paula Deen because she admittedly said that she called people that worked for her at one of her restaurants in Atlanta that she used the "N" word to them ignorantly. It was back in 2013 when Paula Deen was exposed for using the racial word toward blacks that Deen said in the past. The media had Paula Deen out to be racist. Meanwhile, the black guy that held Paula Deen up at gun point when he robbed a bank in Atlanta back in 1987 was interviewed. The black guy moved to New York and told the reporters from Entertainment Tonight that he turned his life around. The black guy also said something that will shock a lot of people. The black guy also said, "Ms. Deen was not saying anything racist to me when Ms. Deen called me the "N" word because I had her so scared that Ms. Deen thought that I would kill her if Ms. Deen didn't give me the money at the bank." The black guy even said, "I can't believe something like this would cause so much controversy all because of my stupidity to cause Ms. Deen career to be over over something that happened 26 years ago."

Now lets go back to Kathy Griffin. When you truly don't like someone whatever come out of your mouth is what you meant to say. It's easy to make people the butt of your jokes for a few laughs. However, you have to check yourself when you know that you are going to cross the line before you cross the line. It could be something like writing jokes and maybe having your besties who truly care about you let you know that this is what will end your career if you do that or say that on national TV. I believe had Kathy Griffin would have continued on as a comedienne on CNN she would have kept on making fun of Trump because it would have made the Liberal station look like that kind of thing is acceptable. I think Kathy Griffin need to get serious help because no one bullied her and if she got any death threats that she is claiming it was probably because of her death threat she displayed on CNN to Trump. I don't want nothing bad for none of my enemies so death threats coming to people we like or dislike is mean-spirited and unacceptable. The difference between Paula Deen's apology and Kathy Griffin's apology is that Paula Deen almost had me crying the way I saw Deen crying. Kathy Griffin's apology is fake and rehearsed in my humble opinion. MY 2 Cents.  

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