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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Republican Karen Handel wins Georgia House seat

I was glad when I watched the results last night on WFSB 3 news that Republican Karen Handel won the 6th district in Georgia in a runoff against Jon Ossoff. No matter what dirt they try to throw at the Republicans the Republicans always come out victorious. I was praying & pulling for Karen Handel to win even when Jon Ossoff was in a dead heat with Karen Handel. Despite being outspent by the Democrat Jon Ossoff proves that money can't buy votes as Handel still won in a state that a Democrat have not won in the 6th district in 39 years (1978). No matter what the media try to say about the Republicans, the Republicans always come out victorious. Media and Democrats, the hating on the Republicans only motivate them and don't be surprise if some of them blue states vote in Republicans. My state of CT have 18 Republicans and 18 Democrats, which my state have not had a split Senate since the 1890's. Anyway, I am proud of the outcome of the Georgia 6th district and may Karen Handel continue to improve the Peach State of Georgia.👏👏😤😤 

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