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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Pregnant Teen Who Christian School Banned From Graduation Receives Diploma at Private Church Ceremony

Pregnant Teen Who Christian School Banned From Graduation Receives Diploma at Private Church Ceremony: Family, friends and pro-life advocates gathered Saturday to celebrate the graduation of Maddi Runkles, the pregnant 18-year-old whose Christian school barred he

There goes to show all of us that not all schools stand for the same things, even at Christian schools. A young teen 18, got pregnant and it was against what the Christian school in Maryland stood for. A young woman Maddi Runkles chose life and decided not to abort her unborn baby. Maddi apologized for making a mistake but was unapologetic about saving her unborn baby from being aborted. Maddi Runkles come from a Pro-Life Christian family background, that's why Maddi is here. Maddi's school banned Maddi from participating in her school's high school graduation. Maddi might have regret the decision to get pregnant young but she wanted to be an example to mom's like yourself who face enormous pressure to have an abortion and as a young Christian woman Maddi obeyed the word of God which says, "Abortion is murder." Maddi had support from Students for Life, who helped raised $16,000 as well as 7,000 words of encouragement from people all over the world, family, and friends at Maddi's graduation ceremony.

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