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Thursday, June 29, 2017

President Trump's Tweets to Morning Joe Scarborough & Mika Brzezinski

President Trump let it been known that he had enough with Joe Scarborough & Scarborough's fiancee Mika Brzezinski.

Do I think that President Trump always responded to insults from others in a mature way? No I don't always agree and I can say that respectfully. President Trump does not pick insult fights with people, people pick insult fights with President Trump. President Trump would like to focus on the issues that we care about like Health Care, the economy, stopping terrorism, making our world a better place, etc. It's the media that want to concoct a story and focus on negative things about President Trump and his administration and all the media is doing is making people less likely to believe anything that the media have to say. President Trump has been totally mistreated by the media. No matter what the media says about President Trump (which the media have been proven to look stupid), President Trump's supporters will continue to pray and support President Trump and his administration. I've read all of the negative headlines on Yahoo news about what Joe Scarborough had to say about President Trump. I want to say this. "If you don't like someone or what he or she stand for why waste your time saying anything about them media?" President Trump felt that enough was enough and maybe Joe's fiancee Mika might have been impressed by Joe's negative remarks about President Trump, since Joe is a Conservative and Mika is a Liberal that they can agree that they don't agree with President Trump on how he is running the country. Melania Trump said this so eloquently when she was talking about her husband President Trump, "If you attack my husband with insults he will attack you with insults 10 times harder than you attacked him." Media y'all were warned throughout the time then candidate Trump was running for President & now that he's President Trump you need to stop asking President Trump what he think about those who has attacked him because President Trump will tell you the truth and President Trump is not being a bully for his comments (The media just can't handle the truth).


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