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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Parents of Charlie Gard: “We are Utterly Heartbroken. We Can’t Even Take Our Son Home to Die”

Parents of Charlie Gard: “We are Utterly Heartbroken. We Can’t Even Take Our Son Home to Die”: Charlie Gard, the 10-month-old baby in the United Kingdom who is afflicted with a rare mitochondrial disease, will have his life support withdrawn after his par

I can't believe that a hospital would let a 10-month-old baby die like that. Probably what is even worst that a court order would decide a fate of baby Charlie Gard. Charlie Gard's parents wanted their son to be treated at a hospital in the United States for a "rare mitochondrial disease" that their son suffers with. The parents wanted to provide life for their son and the hospital in the UK wants to take Charlie Gard off life support. Charlie Gard's parents raised up enough money to try and help their son in any way possible. If there was no way that their son would survive, Charlie Gard's parents would rather their son die at home than in a hospital, who only want to hurry up and kill Charlie Gard by taking him off life support. It should not have been a court order but because the hospital that Charlie Gard is in get to decide if a sick baby should live or die; the European Court of Human Rights sided with the hospital. I signed a petition for the hospital to keep the baby on life support and keep Charlie Gard alive and let Charlie Gard's parents bring their baby home with them. It's not right and it's not fair to babies who didn't do anything to deserve to be killed when it's the parents, who could have done everything to save their babies from being murdered like Charlie Gard's parents is trying to save his life.😭😠

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