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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Pitbull Attacks

Pitbulls are vicious dogs and those who own pitbulls as pets should train them properly.

If I was a dog owner I would never own a pitbull. Pitbulls have the reputation of attacking unforcedly whether it be the owners of pitbulls, owners family and friends, or other dogs. Pitbulls are sneaky dogs that attack their owners, owners friends and family, and other dogs from behind. For this reason I will probably write my only blog describing some breeds of dogs that I feel that will take down (not kill just stop a pitbull in it's tracks) because of the bad reputation that pitbulls have as being the most dangerous dogs. The dogs that I'm going to mention are dogs that are not meant for owning to try to use for fighting pitbulls. Unfortunately, this is the only solution to helping stop the pitbull attacks that have killed or severely hurt their owners, owners friends and family, and other dogs. 

Great Dane Dalmatian Mix

It's something about a Great Dane Dalmatian mix that make these giant breed of dogs that have the look of intimidation. Great Dane's are big as a horse. Playful when they are puppies (which Great Dane's are medium size/large even when they are puppies); these breed of dogs when they are grown are excellent guard dogs for advanced trainers. Great Dane's are larger than Pitbulls and for that reason Great Dane's can use their size to "stop Pitbulls in their tracks." 

Bull Mastiff

Bull Mastiff's is another large breed of dogs that are strong and that can "stop pitbulls in their tracks. "Pitbulls can look vulnerable when they are going up against dogs that are larger than them. Bull Mastiffs are really good guard dogs for advanced trainers. 


Boxers will definitely in my opinion "stop Pitbulls in their tracks." Boxers are loyal & excellent guard dogs for advanced trainers. Boxers are another large breed of dogs that are strong and would be too much for Pitbulls.

Chow Chow

I don't know too much about Chow Chows' but I hear that these breed of dogs are aggressive & mean when they attack other dogs. Smaller in size and bigger in weight size against Pitbulls, these dogs seem like they can put up a good fight against Pitbulls. 

Siberian Husky

These breed of dogs pull humans on sleds in the winter time. These breed of dogs are no stranger to the outdoors if you know what I'm sayin'. Huskies are loyal & great guard dogs for advanced trainers. If you have little dogs, you're encouraged to keep your little dogs away from a Siberian Husky because your little dogs will likely be killed by this breed of dog. Keep these breed of dog outdoors in a fence and on a leash. Otherwise, let these breed of dogs loose when pitbulls are in the neighborhood & make sure the fence is open only for these breed of dogs to take down pitbulls.


If there was a breed of dogs that you would want to have go up one on one against a pitbull, then it would be a Rottweiler. Rottweiler's are the same size as pit-bulls (medium size some Rottweiler's are large). Rottweiler's are good guard dogs for advanced trainers and loyal. Let a Pitbull and a Rottweiler go one on one and you will see two aggressive dogs put on a show. I feel with injuries aside because dogs will be injured after their dog fight that the Rottweiler will take down a Pitbull.

Doberman Pinscher ???

Can a Doberman Pinscher take down a pitbull in a dog fight? Probably the only breed of dog that I mentioned that I wouldn't feel comfortable with going up against a pitbull. Would a Doberman Pinscher give a pitbull a good fight? No doubt but Pitbulls can take a lot of pain and unless a Doberman Pinscher know how to latch on to a pitbull, the pitbull would be able to fight off the Doberman Pinscher's grip. It would be a good dog fight between a Doberman Pinscher and a pitbull but unless they can take down a pitbull that's all it would be. I feel more comfortable with the Rottweiler (The Doberman Pinscher's cousin) in a dog fight against a pitbull.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd's are very loyal dogs. Blind people use these breed of dogs as seeing eye dogs. German Shepherd's are excellent military dogs, excellent K-9 dogs on the police force, and these dogs are very active. These dogs respond really well to advanced trainers & are excellent guard dogs for advanced trainers. German Shepherd's one on one against Pitbulls would be great to see because you would see the difference between a dog who would attack based on it's training in a German Shepherd and a dog who is know for attacking unforcedly in a Pitbull.

American Bulldog

American Bulldogs sure resemble Pitbulls but the difference is that Bulldogs don't attack other dogs or people from behind like Pitbulls are known for doing (Bulldogs attack face to face). These chubby dogs are strong and them going up one on one against pitbulls would be a great dog fight. I honestly think that a bulldog will wear a pitbull down because there is only so much a pitbull can do from an attack & bulldogs are known for latching on when they attack other dogs and attack people, pitbulls just like bulldogs are known for doing the same thing.

 Alaskan Malamute

I don't know anything about this breed of dogs. I have a feeling that these breed of dogs (snow dogs like Siberian Huskies) will "stop pitbulls in their tracks."


Another breed of dogs that I don't know too much about but I heard they are more aggressive than pitbulls when they attack other dogs. These breed of dogs may be the breed of dogs that pitbulls may want to think before crossing paths with in a dog fight, lol. I hear that Akita's are really good guard dogs for advanced trainers too. Below I will have a video of a dog fight between a pitbull and a Akita.

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