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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Children Must Be Taught Transgenderism, Homosexuality Starting in Nursery School, Teachers Say

Children Must Be Taught Transgenderism, Homosexuality Starting in Nursery School, Teachers Say

In the U.K. they have a rule that children must be taught transgenderism and homosexuality starting from nursery. Some teachers feel that the LGBT is being robbed of an education because those issues is not being emphasized enough. First off, teaching children about sex long before they are dating (practicing sexual abstinence before marriage) could leave a scar because he or she's innocence will be robbed. Secondly, children ages 4 and 5 are likely to be abducted by adults and raped and molested. Lastly, transgender, homosexuality, bisexual, lesbian should not be taught because it's not normal!!! When children go to school they grow up and learn about how to be attracted to the opposite sex so that he and she will marry each other and have children together (husband and wife with kids traditional marriage). Marriage is and always will be between one man and one woman. To make up a curriculum that teaches transgender, homosexual, lesbian, and bisexual is what is destroying the public school system. Children are taught at a very young age that it is okay to have abnormal tendencies and that it's normal for a girl to feel like being a boy and a boy to feel like being a girl. Former President Barack Obama paved the way for LGBT & that's why the court legalized same-sex marriage the "law of the land" in 2015. That may be the law of the land according to the court but it is and will always be an abomination to God. Not every state is complying to that law that homosexuality is the "law of the land. "http://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-homosexuality/  

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