My favorite music is a combination of Gospel, Praise & Worship, Christian, Soul, R & B, Country, and Soft Rock. If you were to ask me what is my favorite music genre I would have told you that Gospel, Praise & Worship, and Christian music because that was the type of music that I listened to growing up in church. If you were to ask me if I like any other music genres you probably be surprised that to know that I also like Soul, R & B, Country, and Soft Rock. I really enjoy listening to the 70's, 80's, and some 90's music on the radio. I think that what we have to look it when it comes to music is if the kind of music that we listen to benefits us when we are going through some challenging experiences whether those challenging experiences is at work, school, or even at church. As a Christian I want to make sure that I'm praising and thanking the Lord for blessing me and that I can encourage those who are having some challenging experiences how I'm able to deal with challenging experiences. We have to encourage one another because we all face obstacles in life, some of us more than others. As a Christian I also want to encourage others to make sure that the music that you listen to is inspiring because a lot of music out there is trash. Too many filthy language, sex, violence, etc., is in a lot of lyrics from the different artists out there that I would never listen to nor would I play it for others to hear because my mom raised me better than that. I'm not going to give a long-winded story about what music is right or what music is wrong because a lot of people have already experienced what music that he or she will listen to or what music they know they will never listen to again after hearing it for the first time. I've really enjoyed sharing my opinions on my blog for all of my readers can see. I hope that my readers enjoy!
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