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Monday, July 17, 2017

Favorite Art

The Lesson by Thomas Armstrong

This painting reminds me of a teacher who is pushing this young student to do her lessons. The impression that I got by looking at the young girl & the jump rope is that this young girl look worn out from her lessons and is ready to play with all of her friends.

Dogs Playing Poker by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge

I think a painting with the different breeds of dogs playing poker is a lot of paintings that are on the walls of people's houses'. There are a lot of pet lovers and I got the impression that this painting was especially for pet lovers & those who love to play poker.

Abstract Painting by Pablo Picasso

When people think of abstract painting right off the bat they don't have a clue what it is. Abstract painting is more complex because it's hard to describe it and why the artist or different artists who do abstract painting intentions. I think things can be more abstract/complex to where it's hard to understand. Not everything is easy to understand and you have to look at abstract painting in that intent by the artist when he using that style.

Come To Life Before Your Eyes by Vincent van Gogh & Animation by Luca Agnani

This kind of painting that deals with animation you can see a little girl happy to see her dad and the mom is encouraging her daughter that her dad loves her. The girl & her dad is about to greet each other (hug each other). I like paintings that show good body language like this painting does.

Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo (husband & wife painting) by Frida Kahlo

This is a painting of Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo (husband & wife). I've enjoyed hearing about Frida Kahlo in Art Appreciation & Art History class. I will have a summary of Frida Kahlo below and what she meant to Art and why she is an important part of Art History.

In Art History, we all got to see the movie, "Frida Kahlo." I learned a lot of things about her life. She was born in Coyoacan in Mexico City in 1907. Frida Kahlo married Diego Rivera in the movie. Frida Kahlo did a lot of original paintings and is an underrated artist in my opinion.

Meanwhile, Frida Kahlo took a back seat when it came to her paintings, while Diego Rivera was more prestigious in his paintings using a lot of different colors, which was a fresco style of painting. Diego looked up to Frida in the movie, but she was always modest about what he says about her. Frida Kahlo was more than 20 years younger than Diego Rivera when they got married. Diego Rivera was more like a father than her husband when you think about the big age gap. Frida was hit by so many various injuries throughout her life and also a lot of illness as well, which was a cause of her near death experiences. Frida Kahlo always wanted to work hard and always wanted honest and constructive criticism because she cared so much about doing a good job.

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera had problems in their marriage because Diego Rivera was physically attracted to other women and always cheated on them with other women. Frida loved the idea of Diego being a player so she dealt with it. Frida was depressed a lot and she had a serious drinking problem. She abused alcohol and it took its toll on her. Throughout her problems, Frida was remembered for her solo show in New York and had her first exhibit in Paris, which gave her experience and some spotlight, which was stolen by Diego. We learned that Frida had a problem in the sense that she liked everyone. The scene in the movie where she was dancing with another woman and not her husband showed it. Also, Frida was always in and out of the hospital because of being sick and injured a lot.

When I hear about the injuries she had, I'm amazed that she went through a serious shoulder injury and having her leg amputated. I'm thinking to myself for a woman to go through all of that and still survive; then she got to be, "tough as nails." At one point, Frida Kahlo even tried to commit suicide when things got bad.

Frida and Diego problems in their marriage got serious to where they had separated and they eventually got a divorce from each other. Frida kept all her paintings and drawings based on her life for everyone to know about. She felt pain and therefore she drew about pain. She wanted us to observe it and know about her pain.

Frida is skilled and have good enough talents to manipulate you as the observer in her artwork and how it strongly influenced her to draw like she does. Frida was involved in a protest 11 days before her death and she died in 1954 at the age of 47 years of age. Not too long after, her husband Diego died in 1957. Frida was young when she died, but in those days that wasn't that young because of the life expectancy in the 1950's.

The American Government opened a museum about her life in 1958 and her memories still lives on. Another fact about Frida was that she was known for nude paintings. She didn't have anything to hide and that really showed the personal stuff about Frida. Frida is more famous now than when she was alive and every time I hear about her it's almost like she is still alive.

Overall, the movie was well-made and it was based on a true story. We got to see how wild the people can be and how much fun they have at parties thrown in Mexico City. The paintings were well done and I like the original style Frida used, which showed what she was really about.http://paulbrightly91.blogspot.com/2016/02/art.html?spref=pi

Above were some of my descriptions of the drawings & paintings from the different artists in Art history. As a writer, it is important to pay really good attention to detail from the different drawings and paintings by the different artists or else you could miss the whole interpretation of their drawings. Frida Kahlo is perhaps my favorite artist because she used her good and rough experiences to express herself in her paintings. If I didn't learn about Frida Kahlo when I had Art Appreciation and Art History I would have never known who Frida Kahlo was or how important she is to Art History. Art that show emotion through expression in drawings and paintings is the best style in my humble opinion.

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