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Monday, June 26, 2017

Connecticut leaning Red

Donald Trump be elected President and how it could change Connecticut

Connecticut have always been a moderate blue state that could vote either Republican or Democrat. For the most part, Democrats controlled the House and the Senate in Connecticut. Here's how things have changed when America elected Republican Donald Trump. Connecticut Republicans have won 8 House seats to cut the Democrats narrow lead 79-72 in the House. The Democrats had a 21-15 lead until the Republicans won 3 seats to tie the Democrats 18-18 split in the Senate (the first time the Senate has been split since 1893). To be realistic we have Democrat Governor Dannel P. Malloy who has the worst approval rating in America in my state of Connecticut. If these things are not an incentive for moderate CT to go red then I don't what is. CT is the Constitutional state and I will have a video why on my blog below. Connecticut (7 electoral votes) is also a small state that came up with the Connecticut Compromise I will also have a video below when New Jersey (small state 14 electoral votes) and Virginia (big state 13 electoral votes) bickered on whose plan was better which each other only benefited with only one plan (one benefited small states only and one benefited big states only). 

I'm sorry I had to put some history in there for all of my readers but we felt that the experiment of former President Obama and Governor Malloy has woke America up to where it's time to go back to prospering and being great again. President Trump "Make America Great Again" is the perfect example of that for us from the East Coast. It don't take long for people to make a stand when they are seeing people who were once working full-time good paying jobs to being laid off or working 2 part-time jobs. I'm optimistic and I have seen how my state went from going moderate to left or right to going far left and it has been a disaster the past 10 plus years. I'm not going to rant and rave because it does no good but I'm thankful that none of the economic problems caused me to go into a depression. It wouldn't surprise me if CT House could go red to where the Republicans could control the House.  

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