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Monday, June 19, 2017

London fire: Prime minister orders full public inquiry/Condemning London Terror Attack

Words can't describe how disturbing the terrorist attacks that have happened in the UK. Prime Minister Theresa May has addressed the issues in London. What is sad is that more and more terrorists are running over the non-terrorists in vans, stabbing them to death, London is dealing with fires that have happened, and the last terrorist attack were against Muslims. The US stand not just with our Allies Israel but we also have a bond with the UK and we have to keep them in prayer too. Many preachers want to come to London and spread the Gospel and London will continue to be in my prayers along with Prime Minister Theresa May and the other leaders and officials in the UK. We talk a lot about what we are dealing with the economic problems in the US but we can't forget that there are countries dealing with their struggles as well. I thought that I would write this blog about keeping London in prayer because they need the prayers too.🙏🙏🙏 

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