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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Is Summer here yet? Poem

It's during the summer when a lot of people enjoy traveling
It's during the summer a lot of people enjoy going to the peach
Summer is a favorite season for some
'Cause there are a lot of cool events to go to
Graduations, weddings, relocating is popular especially in June
Even when summer is hot or cool
If you're wondering when summer is coming
Hearing the forecast of hot and humid days
To be alarmed to go to cooling centers and staying in doors
Also to drink a lot of cold water
Some people enjoy drinking cold iced coffee, iced tea, or sweet tea
Avoiding the muggy temperatures, thunderstorms, and getting heatstrokes
'Cause temperatures reaches triple digits even in parts of New England
If you're wondering when summer is getting here yet
The next few days of 90 plus degrees for New England is our forecast
For those of us who are looking forward to summer
Wait no more because summer is coming
Grilling and barbecuing is expected
'Cause holidays and anniversaries are always being celebrated
Relaxing and vacation time is happening
While waiting on the official day of summer is 11 days away
Being happy and looking forward to say
Summer is finally here 
Free from the stress of work and school
"Saying it out loud"
"Summer is finally here and I'm proud!"

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