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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Doug Jones will be certified as winner of Alabama election

Democrat Doug Jones is certified as winner of the Alabama Senate Special election. Senator Jones edged out Judge Roy Moore by 21,924 votes (1.5%). Doug Jones will be sworn in as Senator by Vice President Mike Pence on January 3, 2018. John Merrill confirmed that Roy Moore's voter fraud claims as simply not true. Many Alabamians may wonder about this special election how Roy Moore who was leading by double digits in the polls wind up losing by such a slim margin. Anyway, it's time for Roy Moore to concede because Moore don't have the votes to do a recount, which a candidate needs at least 0.5% to have a chance at a recount to where the losing candidate could have an outcome reversed. Whether you like Doug Jones or not Senator Jones has expressed that he will not vote with his Democratic Party on every issue. Many Alabamians who switch from Democrat to Republican tend to be Moderate Democrats that become Conservative Republicans. Senator Jones is a Moderate Democrat that could switch parties if he decides to do so one day. Alabama is a deep red state that has not voted blue in over 20 years. Republicans now hold a slim 51-49 lead in the Senate. It's time to unite no matter what party affiliation you are associated with. My 2 Cents. 

05-Tidings of Comfort and Joy from LifeWord Asia Pacific on Vimeo.

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