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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

�� President Trump & GOP Full VICTORY Speech at White House After Tax Bil...

The House and Senate passes Tax Reform bill that cut taxes, creates a lot of jobs, and repeals Obamacare mandates. This is the first time that we had a tax cut since President Ronald Reagan in 1986. The House passes both times (227-207 and 224-201) and the Senate passes (51-48). For those who are middle class families expect big time tax cuts. Married couples will have a $24,000 tax deductions and singles will have a $12,000 tax deductions. Obamacare is repealed and the replacement is in place. I know that Democrats is not pleased because they felt that this Tax Reform is "tax breaks for the wealthy and hurts the middle class" but that is very false. This Tax Reform was in place where Democrats could have come to the negotiating table and offer their input but they opposed Republicans and President Trump's agenda from the get go. The best results come to those who meet people halfway. If you don't even want to meet someone halfway how can expect anything? Well, I am glad that President Trump and his administration delivered on their promises to the American people tax is cut from 35%-21%. I am proud of our President because he is all about "making America great again!"😎😤👍👏🙌 

Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmastime (Matt Pop Mix, Unofficial) from Matt Pop on Vimeo.

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