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Monday, December 18, 2017

Flashback Holiday Personal Story: 1985 Spending the day helping a family deliver newspapers

I will never forget it, it was December of 1985. Me and my family wanted to help the other family deliver newspapers. It was a very interesting story. The family attended The Full Gospel Interdenominational Church that me and my family attended. Well, I knew their children really well because me at 7 and my older brother at 11 knew their children (son and daughter who were about my age and older) in children's church. "It's a small world" like they say (They were the same family who I stayed with for a week who live in Ellington). My family didn't really have anything to do. It was nothing for us to take time out of our day and we didn't mind at all helping out. The family had loads of newspapers and we were all going to cover the routes where the newspapers needed to be delivered at. We didn't want to leave the family stuck with the entire load so as humble servants we agreed to help them out! So my mom, older brother, and me split up the newspapers by taking turns tossing them in front of people's house's. We knew that we were going to spend the whole day so why not collectively work together to get this done as soon as possible. The family we helped admired how we were working together and they appreciated us helping them do this. I saw this as a job at 7, in fact the family we helped agreed to pay us half of what they got for delivering the newspapers (nothing but God).

I was enjoying delivering papers to houses, I felt like a paper boy. My mom and my older brother admired how well of a job I was doing delivering the newspapers. At that very moment, I felt like I was a paper boy. The family we helped would drive by the different areas and we would follow behind them in our car. What really made this job so fun was that the family we were helping had such a meek & humble Spirit (not everyone we work with display this kind of attitude). The family we were helping deliver newspapers noticed how hungry we were because they got hungry after delivering newspapers for like 8 hours and they felt lead to be a blessing to us. The family who we helped decided that it would be a wonderful idea if they treated us out for Pizza at Pizza Hut. Wow, the Lord works in mysterious ways because we were thinking that we would have to treat ourselves. The Bible verse that comes to mind is Galatians 5:13 and it simply says, "For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." I think me and my family & the family we helped has the same meek & humble Spirit, we worked together as a team to deliver all of the newspapers to the respective recipients. My attitude from that day forward was to have an attitude of a servant. The family we helped thanked us and let us all know how much they appreciated us for helping them. We all enjoyed large Pizza's and sodas at Pizza Hut! I remember pleading that we spend the day helping the family that I stayed with. I really enjoyed my experience staying with them and I enjoyed being in Ellington. I will have to tell that story about spending a week with them in a future blog someday. I wanted to show them how much I appreciated them for letting me stay with them and treating my like I was apart of their family.

The Little Drummer Boy from taiwaneschurch on GodTube.

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