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Friday, December 1, 2017

My theme for the month of December

My theme for the month of December will focus on Christmas songs for each blogs that I write.

To all of my readers and fellow bloggers my theme for the month of December will focus on Christmas songs to represent every story that I write. Look out for Christmas songs for the following: Fictional stories, Non-fiction, Sports, Poems, Politics, etc. I will have a song at the end of this blog to kick off the first day of December. Some blogs will have a song or songs in a form of a playlist, YouTube video, or God Tube video. It's all about being thankful and realizing how blessed that we truly are. We have to remember not everyone can say that they have it so good. This post and all other blog posts will be encouraging to those that really need encouragement the most. Sometimes our personal experience or experiences is what others need to hear in order to help them get through the day. It can be a big boost that they need. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!

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