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Friday, December 22, 2017

President Trump SIGNS Tax Reform Bill Into Law 12/22/17

The media doubted the Trump administration could keep their promises. Here is the thing about the mainstream media the less you believe what they report the more you believe what is true. President Trump not only made due on his promises he made the media realize that the more they speculate the less likely they will know anything that President Trump will do until it is all said and done. Keep on hating mainstream media because you are making people less likely to believe your bias rhetoric. President Trump signed Tax Reform Bill into law today. President Trump thought about waiting until January 7th or 8th but President Trump decided to shut the media up on their constant bias questioning President Trump on whether or not if President Trump will keep his promise and sign the bill into law so President Trump decided today December 22, 2017 that he would sign the bill into law before Christmas.

Have A Holly Jolly Christmas from VCB Videos on Vimeo.

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