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Friday, December 29, 2017

Looking Back on my selected 12 Favorite Fictional stories that I've written in 2017

Is it me or does it look like everything you watch on TV, read on the internet or on social media is mainstream media biases. The mainstream media bias is at an all time high and the mainstream media as being factual and what they report is at an all time low. Only 34% of people believe that what the media report is actually true. Mainstream media could drop lower than that if they continue to report bias toward President Trump like do. 66% of people believe that what the mainstream media report is deliberately bias because they don't like a certain person. The media will come up with their own look back at 2017 with their political correctness that have been nothing but bias and untruths with their fact checking and constantly trying act like what they report is always true (No one is really believing it). Anyway readers I will have my 12 favorite fictional stories that I have written of 2017. Comments are always welcomed readers and fellow bloggers whether you agree or disagree just be respectful.

1. Fictional Story: 30th Year Wedding Anniversary (St. Patrick's Day)

It was approximately 31 years ago when a beautiful curly blonde hair & blue eyes woman by the the name of Eileen Thomas at 20 from her state of Winston Salem, NC then single, launched her career as an Entrepreneur. Eileen had workshops from all over the US and even overseas for those who were interested in becoming an Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs didn't get college degrees, they just need to invest in a business that will get others to come on board to put their support in for them.

Meanwhile, Roy Pearson at 24 from his state of Flint, MI then single too met Eileen at a Entrepreneur workshop Eileen had when Eileen came to Flint. Neither Eileen or Roy know it at the time but they were going to be Mr. & Mrs. Roy Pearson. They had a crush on each other and the attraction was there. After Eileen talked for 3 hours about what it takes to be a successful Entrepreneur Roy had a chance to talk to Eileen. Roy would never dream of coming to a workshop let alone a workshop for Entrepreneurs. Roy is a successful Inventory Clerk in Flint and decided to come out of his comfort zone and attend a workshop like that. Roy and Eileen have a little small talk.

Roy, "Hi my name is Roy."
Eileen, "Hey there Roy is nice to meet you I'm Eileen."
Roy, "I must say you have a beautiful name Eileen and I'm glad to meet you!"
Eileen, "Thank you. So would u like 2 go out for coffee?"
Roy, "Yes I would love to lunch and coffee is on me."
Eileen, "That's so sweet of u hun!"

Roy & Eileen went out to lunch and had a wonderful time. Eileen gave Roy her phone number and said,"Call me sometime." That "call me sometime" became months (11 months to be exact) that they have kept in touch with each other. Roy and Eileen where dating for that long until they decided that it was best to meet each other's parents. So they went to Eileen's parents house in Winston Salem and Roy met Eileen's mom and dad. Roy made such a great impression being his outgoing and cool self. Eileen's parents words were, "Marry this guy!" Then Roy & Eileen traveled to Flint and went to Roy's parents house and Eileen met Roy's mom and dad. Eileen blended right in with her Southern charm and sassy personality that Roy's parents words were, "Marry this woman you will make a big mistake if y'all don't get married!" With the parents approval from Roy's and Eileen's making everything official Roy proposed to Eileen. Eileen blushing said, "Yes!" of course. A year later after Eileen & Roy met each other at a workshop in Flint got married on St. Patty's Day to become Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearson. Eileen Pearson at 51, and Roy Pearson 55, enjoys traveling to Boston, MA to visit Roy's other family, traveling to Denver, CO to visit Eileen's other family, and Dublin, Ireland to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearson have been married for 30 years now. Can people meet their spouse at a workshop and the answer to that question is absolutely, that is the same place where Roy and Eileen met at and that is what made it priceless! http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/03/fictional-story-30th-year-wedding.html

2. Fictional Story: Noah's bad dreams

Noah Adams 48, suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Noah grew up in a very abusive home. Noah's mom and dad fought all the time. Noah's parents were alcoholics which made it a very unstable environment. Noah suffered both verbal abuse & physical abuse from his parents because Noah's parents were both verbally and physically abusive to each other. Noah started running away from home at the age of 9. Noah is from Springfield, IL a family from Dallas, TX by the name of George and Anna Collins had 4 children of their own, adopted 2 children, and they were looking forward to adopting another child. Noah wanted help and wanted to be with a family who loved him and the family happened to be in Springfield at the time. George and Anna filled out the paperwork to legally adopt Noah because of the unfit and unstable environment that Noah was in with his parents in Springfield, so when Noah was 11 the family from Dallas legally adopted Noah because Noah's parents were unfit and unstable. From that trauma Noah have been having bad dreams. Noah stayed with a wonderful foster family and Noah at 13 had a very bad dream that his biological parents tried to kidnap Noah from the foster family that Noah was living with. George & Anna was very happy to welcome Noah into their blended family and Noah became their 7th child in the Collins family lovely home. Noah has his days when everything is normal but then there is other days when Noah have bad nightmares. Noah is trying to overcome the bad abuse with what Noah encountered as a child being raised by his biological parents. Speaking of Noah's parents, Noah have not seen his biological parents in over 30 years. When Noah was 18, he saw his biological mom and dad passing saying "Hi," in Dallas a normal thing that people say when they see each other.

Noah has always been an introvert (not into big crowds) pretty much all of his life but Noah's adoptive parents always reached out to Noah by sending Noah letters letting him know how proud they are of Noah and Noah's foster mom always send Noah homemade chocolate chip macadamia nuts cookies in Minneapolis, MN where Noah resides with his wife Joanie, their 2 girls, and their 2 boxers dogs. Noah has spoken at different meetings encouraging those who are dealing with PTSD to not be afraid to talk to someone. Joanie is Noah's biggest cheerleader an extrovert (into all crowds) who encourages Noah not be afraid. Noah sometimes Skype online with his foster parents in Dallas and thank them for all that they have done for Noah and taking Noah in and raising Noah like their own children. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/03/fictional-story-noahs-bad-dreams.html

3. Fictional Story: Burt Dickerson's Problems

Dr. Jane Wagoner is a Psychologist in New York City who Burt Dickerson have been seeing for approximately 15 years. Burt 50 have had suicidal thoughts for about 10 years. To sum up Burt Dickerson's life is quite simple. Burt has been married 2 times and both of Burt's marriages have ended in nasty divorces. Burt have 2 children from those 2 former marriages with his ex-wives. Burt never really had true friends because of the people who Burt thought were his friends used him and tricked Burt out of his marriages. Burt is a free-hearted person but Burt's ex-wives didn't like how single women would use their helpless routine to get Burt to help them and get Burt to ditch his wives. The women were very convincing and Burt always seemed to fall what they say, "the oldest trick in the book." Dr. Wagoner try to get Burt to look at the good in Burt but Burt is so vulnerable all Burt sees is people trying to use Burt by pretending to be Burt's friend.

Burt was a nerd in school and Burt always got good grades. Burt was really good at chess & was voted most likely to succeed. Burt Dickerson being such a successful business man is the one thing that doomed Burt to be very sociable. Burt is always looking at how he can be a help to others but dishonest people try to use Burt's kindness to try to use Burt at their convenience. Burt is always left wondering what went wrong. With that being said, Burt has had suicidal thoughts about hanging himself and overdosing on prescription drugs. Dr. Wagoner has continued to have Burt come see her to see how Burt is progressing to see if Burt is feeling better after their 2 hour sessions. Dr. Wagoner try to get Burt to picture happy thoughts and uses the picture cards to ask Burt what does Burt see in every picture. Burt is finding these 2 hour sessions with Dr. Wagoner stimulating. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/04/fictional-story-burt-dickersons-problems.html

4. Fictional Story: Former Mental Patient tells her story

Julie Hall 52, was admitted to a mental hospital since she was 17. Julie had a good life probably spoiled the most being the youngest of 5, 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters. Julie's parents never saw anything in Julie that had them believe that there was anything wrong with Julie. Julie never showed any signs that she was a person who had mental problems. People tend to think that just because someone like that had an easy life that it was easy for he or she to deal with any uncomfortable situation in their life. What no one ever knew was that behind that beautiful smile that Julie Hall had there was a person who had mental and suicidal thoughts. Anyway, Julie Hall has a story about her life on how Julie became complete once she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

I am Julie S. Hall and I have a story to tell you of how I was admitted to Arkansas State Hospital in Little Rock. I grow up in a loving family. Me and my mom were really tight and me and my dad had a wonderful relationship (I was daddy's little gurl). Anything that I wanted my dad would get for me. I am from North Little Rock. My parents taught us to respect everyone and from that moment I knew that behind my smile and "happy-go-lucky" self I felt that there was something that was not right. I had abnormal thoughts about committing suicide or cutting myself with a knife. I'm a country gurl who had mental thoughts and It was not like I was mistreated or anything because I had a lot of friends. My friends started to noticed how strange I acted and my behavior was that like Sybil the movie. I had 50 split personalities and my friends and family who were closest to me I gradually started pushing them away.

So one day a really good friend of the family Dr. Fran Davidson, Dr. Davidson was a doctor for Psychiatric patients, recommended that I go to a mental hospital for evaluation. At 17, if I showed signs of being delusional, paranoid, or schizophrenic I was to stay in that hospital as long as I showed signs of abnormality. I was in and out of the mental hospital for 5 years. During that span, it didn't take me long to realize that people who were considered mental or who showed signs of being mental were isolated from their family, friends, and society. People are not likely to visit those who showed signs of abnormal behavior either. I remember at 22 when a young man came to the hospital and he had a good word for me that changed me and that made my life complete. The young man by the name of Kevin Hall who was no older than 20 witnessed to me in Arkansas State Hospital. Kevin was a bold young man and he asked me a simple question that I will never forget. Kevin asked me, "Did you know that Jesus Christ loves you and me and he died on the cross and by Jesus stripes we were healed?" I remember breaking down crying because me and my family never went to church. We never understood about Jesus Christ because we lived a life where Jesus Christ, being saved, and being forgiven of our sins was never talked about in our family. I remember telling Kevin that no one had ever took the time to tell me about Jesus Christ while I was in the mental hospital. The young man that led me to the Lord invited me to his church and together we left Arkansas State Hospital. The Lord used Kevin to come to the mental hospital to show me that Jesus Christ loves us despite of our sins and even when we don't deserve Jesus Christ's love he paid the price dying on the cross so Father God does not keep a record of the mistakes we make. Kevin and I got married in Kevin's church. Me & my husband Kevin has been married 25 years and we have a beautiful daughter Emily Hall 25 who is engaged to her boyfriend Brent Richardson. We all enjoy being in our Mobil home. The Lord knows how to use people to come across our paths. Knowing about Jesus unconditional love and meeting my spouse made my life complete.http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/04/fictional-story-former-mental-patient.html

5. Fictional Story: Michael Ross's Life

Hi to all of those who are reading. My name is Michael Ross. I'm 65 and I am who you can call a journey man. I've traveled to all 50 states and I've been out of the country. I'm originally from San Francisco, CA. I moved to Baltimore, MD and I've live there for 35 years now. I have so many journals of business trips that I have been on. I have reflected on what I could have done differently and thought strongly hard about getting into Advertising. Advertising was my passion. Me and my first wife Debbie Schwartz used to talk about a lot of things & the main things we talked about was what we wanted to do with our life. Me and Debbie got married young we were both 23. The biggest difference between me and Debbie was that Debbie became a successful nurse. Debbie divorced me after we were married 2 1/2-3 years. Debbie fell in love with a Doctor and married him. I learned that Debbie was looking for someone who was high class and I was too low class for her taste. Debbie and I have a son together.

After Debbie remarried I remember meeting a woman named Marie Sanchez when I went to Mexico City, Mexico. Marie and I hit it off really well. The one thing that Marie and I had in common were that we were both from prior marriages. Marie really love braiding hair so whenever her girlfriends (Besties) came to her house they would talk about things that I couldn't relate to (Women talk and in Spanish) because at that time I couldn't speak Spanish. Well, Marie and her family could speak Spanish and I couldn't understand them so I didn't know if her family liked me or disliked me. Me and Marie were married when we were 32 and we had some really good moments in our 5 year marriage to each other. Unfortunately, our marriage was not much of a marriage because Marie and her ex-husband got back together and Marie told me that her feelings grew stronger and stronger for her ex-husband. Probably the worst feeling in the world is to be married to someone only for them to tell you that you were only a "rebound spouse."

My life started to mean something when I met a beautiful red head Accountant named Daphne Reynolds. Daphne didn't experience prior marriages like me but Daphne have been in prior relationships with men who only wanted one thing. Daphne does not have any children because she wanted to save herself up for the right guy. I wished I would have thought level headed like Daphne, then I wouldn't had my heart broken like I did in the prior marriages. Daphne didn't take any nonsense and that is what I love about Daphne. Daphne was the type of person who would confront you if she felt like you hurt her feelings or if Daphne felt like you hurt my feelings. Daphne and I married at 37 and we have 2 girls. Daphne & I have been married for 28 years. Despite the ups and downs, it's always wonderful being able to talk to someone like Daphne. I'm Michael Ross and this is my story I hope y'all enjoy! http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/05/fictional-story-michael-rosss-life.html

6. Fictional Story: To catch a thief

Suzanne Parker's mom's bracelet and gold necklace were among the valuables that were stolen in Essex, CT. Suzanne Parker 60, is a widow whose husband passed away 10 years ago. Suzanne's son & daughter-in-law called the police because the people who robbed Suzanne were a couple duo (like Bonnie and Clyde) who always robbed people who had valuables. Suzanne's mom's bracelet and gold necklace was passed down from generation to generation (Suzanne's grandma had given it to Suzanne's mom and Suzanne's mom had given it to Suzanne). Suzanne wanted the family heirloom thieves to be caught but Suzanne wanted to have them over for dinner so that the cops could catch the thieves in the act of stealing Suzanne's gold earrings and priceless tea set.

The cops discovered that the jewelry crooks are none other than Roxanne Woods and Henry Cooke. These coward jewelry thieves always made sure that they had a getaway driver so that Henry and Roxanne could make their escape. Roxanne and Henry had robbed a house in Hamden and in Ansonia. What the cops know about the jewelry crooks is that they are likely to rob people who live in the suburbs in Connecticut towns. The reason that these cowards are likely to rob the suburbs is because they are more likely to getaway from the cops than if they tried to rob the inner cities in Connecticut.

Meanwhile, Suzanne had a plan that involve the cops bugging Suzanne's house. Suzanne would deliberately have her gold earrings and priceless tea set right where the crooks would look. Suzanne will have everything in the living room. Suzanne would leave the front door unlocked and Suzanne would be in the kitchen making homemade M & M cookies. The crooks planned to come back to rob Suzanne's house again. Instead of the crooks robbing Suzanne going through the window in Suzanne's bedroom, the crooks thought that it would be a good idea to go through the front door this time. Little did the crooks know that Suzanne was prepared for the guests that she have not met before. Suzanne had a chance to meet the crooks.

Suzanne (Clever Smile) responded, "I'm glad to finally meet both of you. I made y'all some M & M cookies. I hope y'all enjoy!"
Henry & Roxanne (noticed the gold earrings and the priceless tea set snatching it quickly) answered, "The pleasure is all of ours."

Henry and Roxanne were enjoying the homemade cookies and headed out the door of Suzanne's house only to discover that their driver who had helped them getaway in the other houses that they have robbed were in handcuffs in a cops car. The cops then arrested Henry and Roxanne. The cops returned the gold earrings and the tea set to Suzanne. Henry, Roxanne, and the driver bail was set at $250,000 in order for them to be bailed out of jail. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/05/fictional-story-to-catch-thief.html

7. Fictional Story: Cleaning The Attic

Lucy Green remember the times when she was a little girl when Lucy would go in the attic and keep all of her schoolwork in a draw from Kindergarten-12th grade. Lucy was always a straight A student in school. Lucy Green 39 is now an 8th grade teacher in middle school in Madison, WI. Lucy and her 3 children help Lucy clean out the attic in their Madison home. Lucy always tells her children that they have to work really hard in order to be successful. Lucy's husband Howard Green 39 is a fireman. It was unique how Lucy and Howard met and it involved Lucy's oldest daughter named Patty. Patty's (then 7 now 12) cat got stuck up in a tree. Howard noticed how sad Patty looked because Patty pet cat always love climbing up on things. One day, Patty's cat climbed on top of a tree and got stuck. The cat got scared and was "Meowing" very loudly. Howard bravely climbed up the tree and got Patty's cat safely down and brought the cat to Patty. Patty smiling said, "Thank You!" Lucy in awe thanked Howard. Howard responded by saying, "No problem I'm glad I could help!" Patty grabbed Howard's hand and grabbed her mom Lucy's hand and had Howard and Lucy holding hands. The 7 year old said the coolest thing to both Howard and Lucy when they were holding hands. Patty said to Howard and Lucy, "You two make a great couple." Believe it or not Lucy and Howard hit it off thanks to Lucy's daughter Patty. Lucy was a single mom of 1 child and Howard was single and never had any children at the time. It was 5 years ago when Lucy and Howard had met and it's been 4 years since they have been married to each other. Lucy have 3 children 2 with her hubby Howard.

That very attic have a lot of sentimental value because whenever Lucy and her children set foot in the attic, they always clean out the attic together as a family. The attic brings back so many memories because Lucy's parents left her that house in Madison. Lucy's daughter Patty appear to be following in her mom's footsteps writes her schoolwork in that very same attic. Patty is definitely hinting that she may someday be a school teacher like her mom and even a matchmaker because Patty hooked up her mom Lucy and her step-dad Howard together. Like mother like daughter when it comes to the attic. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/05/fictional-story-cleaning-attic.html

8. Fictional Story: Sandra Hodges Interviews Heavyweight Boxing Champion Todd McNeil 

Live on 610AM Sports Radio in Philadelphia, PA with host Sandra Hodges. Sandra Hodges asks Heavyweight Champion Todd McNeil about his fight with former Champ Andre (Killer) Morris who Todd McNeil beat in an upset that people are still remembering.

Sandra: Good Afternoon everyone tuning in. I am Sandra Hodges and I'm your host for 610AM Sports Radio in the city of brotherly love in Philly. My guest on today's show via telephone is the Heavyweight Champion Todd McNeil. Good Afternoon Todd!

Todd: Good Afternoon Sandra and thanks for having me on your radio show.

Sandra: Your welcome and I'm glad that you can take the time out of your busy schedule to do this telephone interview. I wanted to ask you some questions.

Todd: Ask away Sandra!

Sandra: You challenged then Champion Andre Morris for the Heavyweight Title 5 years ago. Can you please tell me what made you have the courage to step in the ring to fight someone who was so dominant in boxing like Andre Morris?

Todd: Actually, I was nervous when I challenged Andre Morris to the Heavyweight Title.

Sandra: Were there any doubts that were in your mind that had you thinking that there was no chance that you could beat Andre Morris for the Heavyweight Title?

Todd: Yes. Andre Morris had such an intimidation on his face, he looked like he wanted to "punch my face in." I had to give him my best in order to have any chances of pulling off the upset and stop Andre Morris's undefeated boxing record.

Sandra: What was it like for you growing up Todd?

Todd: I'm originally from Scranton, PA and I lived in Scranton for 13 years. I grew up in an environment where we were taught not to fight. People trashed talked each other but it never led to fist fighting. I moved to Philadelphia where trash talking lead to fist fighting. I lived in Philly for the past 21 years.

Sandra: I've read about how you had to deal with bullies moving from the suburbs of Scranton and into the ghetto of Philly. What was that change like for you Todd?

Todd: When bullies used to beat me up they were of very few words. Either I give them what they wanted or I got beat down. Getting beat down as often as I did my trainer came to me and said, "Hey kid who are you?" I told my trainer Vinnie, "I'm Todd McNeil!" Vinnie said these very words to me that changed the way that I looked at bullies beating me up. Vinnie said, "You don't deserve getting the crap beaten out of you every day like this, let me teach you how to fight kid!"

Sandra: Did challenging Andre Morris to the Heavyweight Title motivate you that this is how you and anyone who have been bullied can stand up to bullies?

Todd: Yes. If you let the bully know that you're not a coward either the bully will back off and leave you alone or the bully will wind up being your friend.

Sandra: Can you tell me what were you thinking in that last round when you won the title against Andre Morris?

Todd: Sure. Andre Morris always sets you up in the corner with jabs and uppercuts, when you are trapped in the corner there is nothing anyone can do. Andre Morris does his famous hay-maker. I've watched him do this a lot of in his fights. While me and Morris were fighting back and forth I had Morris up against that corner and when Morris tried to move back he was trapped against the ropes. I uppercuted Morris and pulled off the upset.

Sandra: That is a wonderful story Todd and come on the radio show again anytime.

Todd: Thank you and will do Sandra.

Sandra: That is all for today with my telephone interview with Heavyweight Champion Todd McNeil. If you want to see the fight that Todd McNeil had with Andre Morris you will get to read the story about the whole fight online. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/06/fictional-story-sandra-hodges.html

9. Fictional Story: Woman Survives being kidnapped and being sexually abused for 15 years

You will hear a wonderful story of a courageous woman who survived being kidnapped, raped, and being locked up in a basement while being chained & handcuffed for 15 years. Caroline Woods 36, endured being sexually abused by this maniac by the name of Clifford Dobbs 58. Caroline's bravery while going through what she went through was what lead Cliff to finally set Caroline free and Cliff turned himself into the police when Cliff dialed 911 and told them how he kidnapped a young woman while she was walking home in Columbus, OH and brought Caroline to his Akron, OH home. A lot of women who have been sexually abused and who have been kidnapped can relate to this story.

I'm Caroline, I don't mind if you call me Caroline or Carly. I'm 36 and have endured being sexually abused for 15 years, from the time I was kidnapped from walking home coming from a store in Columbus, OH. I was 21 at the time, walking by myself and it must have been like 10:30PM or 11PM when it all happened. Anyway, it was a really dumb move on my part to walk home alone that night because a car drove up and the man by the name of Cliff Dobbs (then 43 now 58), who was inside the car grabbed me and put me in his car. The woman who I do believe was the man's girlfriend drove the car to their place in Akron which is about 2 hours from me. At the time, my cellphone was off and I always have my charger but Cliff's girlfriend snatched my purse, cellphone, and all the items in it. I never would have thought that I would have been targeted. None of my friends nor family members would think that I would just go missing because I would call home on my cellphone. 

All I can think about while being in the couple's car was that "I'm trapped like a mouse," and there is nothing that I could do. I was thinking that Cliff and his girlfriend kidnapping me like this, that maybe that my family would eventually see that I was missing and send out a missing person report and call the police. I was hoping that the police would come to my rescue and locate where I was at so they could safely bring me back home to my family. I remember talking to my boyfriend on the phone that night and he warned me that it would not be a good idea to go out by myself. I wished I would have listened to my boyfriend. Anyway, when the couple brought me to their house, Cliff handcuffed my hands and ankles with chains while his girlfriend held me down and watched while Cliff raped me over and over until I blacked out. Cliff then took me to the basement and it had a TV inside. Cliff, his girlfriend, and I watched TV that night and we had Pizza and soda. Cliff made sure that I had something to eat so I would never go hungry. The first night Cliff turned the light off in the basement at 2AM, and padlocked the basement door so that I wouldn't try to escape. Cliff made sure that he would wake me up at 7AM by unlocking the basement door and we would have breakfast and Cliff locked the basement door at 10PM at night after dinner. So the words that we said to one another were "Good Morning" and "Good Night." 

Meanwhile, anytime I mentioned to Cliff about wanting to go outside for some fresh air or to ask him if he would let the cuffs off of me for a little bit, Cliff thought that I was being insubordinate and that's when Cliff would rape me repeatedly. I often found myself being unconscious and waking up wondering where am I but the reality is that I was a slave being locked up in a basement where I was handcuffed. While being in Cliff and his girlfriend's home being a prisoner for 15 years had me thinking that the reason why Cliff didn't try to kill me because of a similar incident that happened to Cliff's daughter being kidnapped and raped. Cliff's daughter was kidnapped and raped in Akron while coming home from a party at her friend's house. Cliff still have nightmares from that incident because of what Cliff's daughter went through. I noticed a change in Cliff to where he showed compassion and began breaking down and bawling. Anyway, Cliff's daughter's mom (Cliff's ex-wife) followed the man in her car who kidnapped their daughter and called the police and gave the police his license number and told the police what kind of car that the kidnapper was driving. For that moment, I actually felt bad for Cliff. Cliff knew that what he was doing was not right and Cliff was not happy. Cliff called 911 and told the police officer how he kidnapped me, rapped me, and handcuffed me, and locked me up in the basement for 15 years. Cliff unlocked the cuffs and took them off of me and unlocked the basement door and said, "Go Free!" like "you say to a bird that was locked up in a cage for a long time and opened the cage to set the bird free." The police officer arrested Cliff and his girlfriend. Cliff could do up to 30 years in prison for kidnapping me, raping me, and holding me hostage by handcuffing me, and locking me up and him & his girlfriend's basement. Cliff's girlfriend could do up to 20 years for taking part in kidnapping me, taking my purse, which I was able to get back that she had in the kitchen cabinet, and holding me while Cliff was raping me. The first thing that I did when I got out of Cliff and his girlfriend's house was call my parents. My parents immediately came and picked me up at Cliff's house and my parents were so glad to see me when they got the call from me that I was safe and that I have been kidnapped and sexually abused for 15 years. My parents gave me a bear hug. Like a lot of women who have been through what I've been through, I thought that I would share my story. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/07/fictional-story-woman-survives-being.html

10. Fictional Story: The Life of the Henry Family

You are going to hear about a documentary about a family who enjoys fall and how they celebrate their favorite season. Charles Henry who is a film buff enjoys filming his family and their interests. Henry will describe how family that are really close do things together and even how family who are not close can learn how to come together even when things are rough. Henry's parents inspires him to be a filmmaker because he has a passion recording fun and goofy things that the family do when they are together for special occasions. This fictional story will probably be the only ever documentary that you will read about from a filmmaker.

My name is Charles Henry and I thought it would be a good idea to write about a documentary about the Henry's and how they celebrate fall. The family fall tradition is when the Henry family are together we always celebrate by eating out. I'm the middle child in my family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Justin, is the eldest brother and Kathleen is the youngest (baby sister). Kathleen loves going to the mall. Kathleen is a chocolate lover who loves her dresses and her shoes. Justin, the oldest, enjoys going to concerts and always stays after to meet and greet with famous pop stars and Justin always get their autographs. I'm into film making and I love filming with a passion. My parents always encourages me to record things because they know how much I love to record what the Henry family does. We really enjoy family time in the Henry household. We are a tight knit family who enjoys hanging out and acting goofy. Probably our favorite Henry family tradition is my Aunt Susan's pumpkin spice caramel cupcakes with marshmallow frosting!(Yummy) Aunt Susan always bakes wonderful cakes, pies, cupcakes, and cookies. I have family who is from Nebraska (I reside in Omaha with my family), Kansas, and Missouri and we visit each other during the holidays. Me and my family do have arguments but my Uncle Willie (we call him the mediator and peacemaker) always get the family to calm down when we play the following games: UNO, Dominoes, Monopoly, and Scrabble.

The family is always there for each other and got each other's back. What I like most about the Henry family is that we enjoy helping others. We see a lot of homeless people on the street and the Henry family open their home and invite them over for lunch or dinner. What we always do is help the homeless get job interviews. We give the homeless some clothes because their clothes are raggedy and dirty and they are so grateful for anything that they get and people do for them. The homeless people not only get jobs but they help out the fellow homeless like themselves by helping them get job interviews. That's how we help our Community and everyone just get into being generous! http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/09/fictional-story-life-of-henry-family.html

11. Fictional Story: I got you covered

It was a stormy day in Lake Charles, LA. This interracial married couple have been covering for one another when it came to their jobs with their bosses and their expenses. Ginger Rooke-Hooks 49 and Desmond Hooks 50 have been covering for each other since Desmond moved from Richmond, VA 26 years ago. Probably the most unique thing about how Desmond and Ginger met is when Desmond served in the Air force Reserves when Desmond was 20. Desmond Hooks a black man 6'0" had feelings for a beautiful Caucasian red head woman with beautiful brownish-bluish eyes named Ginger Rooke who was 5'1 & 1/2" tall at 19. Ginger kept things cool and noticed that Desmond was sporting his Air Force uniform. Desmond was a mail carrier at the company that Ginger worked for in Lake Charles. When Desmond served in the Reserves for 4 years he was doing civilian work as mail carrier and part-time work in the Armed Forces. Desmond grew up in the ghetto part of Richmond, VA. Desmond never was around people of different backgrounds but Desmond always knew that he would get to meet people of different backgrounds. When Desmond went into the military, Desmond met different people from different backgrounds while he was in the Air Force. Desmond knew that being around a lot of diversity would automatically help Desmond come out of his comfort zone. Desmond would learn that some of the people who he would meet would become his best friends who were from a different background then Desmond. 

Meanwhile, Desmond was trying to figure out how could he tell Ginger Rooke that he liked her. Desmond always wanted to come to Lake Charles and believed that Lake Charles would be where he would be transferred at when he got out of the military. Ginger spent long hours at work typing and answering the telephone at her job. On her break, Desmond had a chance to talk to Ginger. Ginger took her 30 minute break and Desmond happened to be delivering the mail that stormy day. They just had small talked with each other and Ginger had this really cool way that she would spin her hair. Desmond had a crush on Ginger and complimented Ginger on her beautiful red head. Whenever Ginger would come off her breaks late from work Desmond would cover for her. The boss was a woman and the mail carrier Desmond had a way he interacted with people. He would always say after he would deliver the mail these very words, "Have a blessed day!" Ginger's boss mentioned to Ginger that she should take the day off and go out on a date with Desmond. What Ginger's boss did, was make reservations for a wonderful restaurant at Chart House for Desmond and Ginger. Desmond and Ginger had such a wonderful time that they went out to that restaurant 2 more times. After the third time at the Chart House, Desmond had this wonderful diamond ring and Desmond proposed to Ginger at Chart House. Ginger with her effective hair spinning saying "Yes!" was priceless. Whenever Desmond would come in late for work, Ginger would always cover for him. Desmond's boss, who is a man thought that they should throw an engagement party for Desmond and his fiancee Ginger. That was such a wonderful party!🎉

When the 2 couples wed 20 years ago, they said the ultimate wedding vows. The very emotional words come from this heart felt poem below. They made sure that they would stay together forever. Besties and as a married couple Desmond and Ginger's poem would express how they feel about one another. The title I got you covered is what sums up everything. Their 2 children (2 boys) would one day understand when they are grown what it means when you got that special someone's back and that very special someone's got your back what true love really is.

I Got You Covered

We are like 2 peas in a pod
Who always cover for each other 
Our bosses' sees how much we belong together
Everyone is happy for us and it really shows
That we are there for each other that help make everything flow
When we are late from our lunch break from work
We always cover for each other
It's kind of like what we said to each other in our wedding vows
Thank you so much for all that you do bestie
For always being there and covering for me
I am happy that we are husband & wife 
We all are one big happy family together what a wonderful life
Our 2 boys will one day understand and experience that moment
When they and their brides are saying their vows
"Saying these very words that we have said to each other out loud!"
"I got you covered and I'm proud!" http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/11/fictional-story-i-got-you-covered.html

12. Fictional Story: Making Christmas Cookies for the grandparents

Mary Ellen have always enjoyed time visiting her grandparents. Mary Ellen, a native of Pittsburgh, PA now for the past 24 years resides in Louisville, KY. Mary Ellen is a single mom of 2 boys, always remember the times when she lived in Pittsburgh and how she would always visit her grandparents Curtis and Nancy Cunningham. At 10, was the very first Mary Ellen learned how to make cookies when Mary Ellen's grandma taught her how to make cookies. It's been a tradition with Mary Ellen and her family to visit during the holidays. During Christmas time, the family all gather together and eat good grub! The family always look forward to Mary Ellen's Spritz cookies and Gingerbread cookies because Christmas is not the same without homemade desserts from Mary Ellen. Since Mary Ellen started making these delicious cookies for her grandparents for the past 7 years now, Mary Ellen's grandparents recall the times that they would make cookies for their grandchildren when they were little. Mary Ellen's grandparents used to read Mary Ellen wonderful novels as well as children books when Mary Ellen was a little girl. Mary Ellen and her family always go to Christmas services at church and is reminded every time that Christmas is all about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Mary Ellen is not really a person who have a pet peeve. However, Mary Ellen and her family is not a big fan of the fruitcake at Christmas time (One of the least popular Christmas gifts to give anyone). Mary Ellen considers a gift like a fruitcake to be thoughtless coming from anyone. It has been a while since Mary Ellen and her family have gotten a fruitcake from her relatives or friends. Whenever Mary Ellen and her family get a fruitcake or fruitcakes, Mary Ellen and her family gives the fruitcakes to food banks. Christmas is normally a laid back holiday where the family gather around the Christmas tree in the living room and open up presents while listening to Christmas music. http://paulsbucs.blogspot.com/2017/12/fictional-story-making-christmas.html

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