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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oasis Christian Church not about Pastor's Appreciation month

Me and my mom visited Oasis Christian Church (OCC) from July 3, 2016-March 19, 2017 on Bloomfield Avenue in Windsor. A lot went on during those 8 months that we were at this non-denominational church. Church service is Sundays from 11 AM- 12:30 PM. Sometimes service went longer for people who had praise reports or prayer requests. There is also coffee, cookies, cake, cupcakes, soda, orange juice, etc., after service in the kitchen to those who wanted to stay and fellowship after service. For the first month, the Pastor was out of town and we had members preach during the pastor's absence. The pastor had speaking engagements and is into helping churches expand. The pastor mentioned how he didn't always do what the Lord wanted him to do. Basically, the pastor tried to do his own thing and it didn't work out the way he wanted and decided to listen to a really good friend and a church elder when he told him about preaching at Oasis Christian Church back in 2009 or 2010. River of Life Church used to be the name but it was changed to Oasis Christian Church back in 2009 or 2010 in Windsor. River of Life Church broke off and is in Tolland. The pastor could have easily decided to pack up leave town with his wife, and 4 daughters but New England would be without a dynamite pastor who is on fire for God! The pastor felt that it was time to stay put and help OCC expand in their ministry.  

Anyway, this non denominational church there were like cliques; people who hang with a popular group of people and who they want to be like. I noticed that the people were very friendly the first 2 months that me and my mom was there. After the pastor returned after being out of town, the people went from being friendly to sometimes friendly to sometimes not as friendly. That is unusual for a church that is so very diverse like that. OCC is predominately Conservative, there were a few who were Liberal but you could count them on your fingers. The church didn't really have any events and their church website was not updated. I thought about helping them update their website because I'm used to going online and creating my own websites. Probably what was most uneasy about OCC is how everyone who was involved in their ministry was not for new people coming in helping out and showing them a new way of doing things. Me and my mom looked OCC up in the telephone book because we checked out all of the churches in Bloomfield (which we can write books about) and OCC was the only one we didn't check out in Windsor. I noticed the sign in front of the church and the time of service when me and my mom drove by OCC 2 years ago.

Probably what shocked us the most about OCC is that they don't honor Pastor's Appreciation Month. My mom mentioned to the church secretary about Pastor Appreciation Month and the church secretary rebuked my mom saying, "We don't do worldly things!" My mom mentioned, "That's not a worldly thing to honor the pastor on Pastor's Appreciation month. If we thought like that, then we wouldn't celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas or acknowledging how Jesus died and rose again on the 3rd day in Easter." My mom decided to leave that alone and never brought up any holiday or special occasions at OCC anymore. The whole point of Pastor's Appreciation month is to let your pastor or pastors know how much you appreciate how they are used by the Lord to preach the good sermon. This sermon is not only for Christians but for those who are not saved and don't know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who want to be saved, delivered, and be free from living a life of sin. John 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be save." When anyone visit a church whether saved or not saved they will tell their friends or family if that church were welcoming to visitors or demonstrating Christlike love to each other.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

This Judge Had The Best Reaction To This Little Boy's Honesty

Caught In Providence is a show where local Rhode Islanders go to court and Judge Frank Caprio hears their cases. Judge Caprio is a man of second chances and believes that everyone deserves a second chance. The people who tell their cases have parking tickets and Judge Caprio waives, reduces, and dismisses charges in favor of the people who come to court. Justice Caprio is all about getting people off. Justice Caprio always sees the good in people and I understand. "Compassionate people always understands why people are compassionate to others." I think the show has a sense of humor to it as well. It is always fun when Judge Caprio talks to parents who have little children. Judge Caprio tries to get the little children to plead their case on why their parents should not have to pay a ticket or tickets. Caught In Providence, is probably one of a few judge TV shows where you will only see a judge that demonstrate where people in need of second chances will get that second chance. No harsh criticism of any kind from the judge in court, a slap on a wrist, and Judge Caprio saying, "don't over promise" meaning don't try too hard to commit to paying off a reduced fine in a week if Judge Caprio is allowing him or her a year to pay of their reduced fine.  

Friday, October 12, 2018

Pastor appreciation event that I attended at Faith Community Church back in 2015

It's been approximately 3 years the last time that me and my mom had visited then Faith Community Church now Christ Proclamation Church (a community church, too). I remember when me and my mom attended the Pastor's Appreciation for the 2 pastors at that church. The Pastor was Joel Peck and the co-pastor was Jonathan Price. They looked to be my age, they were pastoring for about 3 years at the time. The church was located in Pigeon Hill RD in Windsor. The church at may 20-25 members and visitors combined the most and it was a small church. It was an Autumn kind of weather October of 2015. I remember some of the following food was served in the church kitchen: Shepherd's pie, cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, tortilla chips and dip, cheese cakes, ice cream sandwiches, soda, water, juice, etc. Perhaps the most memorable thing about the pastor's appreciation event that me and my mom attended is when pastor Joel,co-pastor Jonathan, and Vic, the guy who read church announcements tried to explain to me and my mom what Advent Christian is. To avoid running away visitors like me and my mom and church members, the pastor, co-pastor, and the guy who read the church announcements tried to "steer away" from talking about the church beliefs. Faith Community Church come from out of the Seventh Day Adventist Church (a denominational church), who don't eat meat and who celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday.

This is how I feel about a church no matter if it's a denominational church or a non-denominational church. The pastor, his or her church members or visitors in their church, should never be ashamed at what their beliefs are. Their common goal is to be obedient to God, have altar calls for those who would like to be saved, delivered, and set free of all sins, and those who want to rededicate their life to Jesus Christ who have been in a backslidden stage. Romans 3:23 King James Version (KJV) "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" The 2-3 months that me and my mom visited Faith Community Church we were tithing at that church because the church didn't seem to focus on teaching about tithing. The main focus was on praying for others who were in need of finances, healing, and for God to intervene. Whenever we visit any church we are never there to judge. We are there in a lot of ways to be an answer to others prayer as well as praying for a church that the Lord may want us to attend and join and be a member of which in "this day and age" seems hard to find. Once the Lord tells his children that their season is up at visiting a church or churches, we have to be obedient to his will for our life. 

Ecclesiastes 3:17 King James Version (KJV)

"17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work."https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ecclesiastes+3%3A17&version=KJV

https://paulbrightly31.blogspot.com/2015/10/faith-community-church.html http://paulbrightly31.blogspot.com/2017/02/steve-thiel-christ-proclamation-church.html

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Which pastry do you like better pop tarts or toaster strudel?

For many years, there have been commercials for both Kellogg's pop tarts & Pillsbury toaster strudel. You can put both pastries in the toaster. There are some major differences between pop tarts and toaster strudel. One of the differences between pop tarts and toaster strudel is that pop tarts is stored in a cabinet in your pantry and toaster strudel is stored in your freezer in your kitchen. Secondly, you put toaster strudel in a toaster and put icing on the pastry when it's done. Pop tarts can be heated up in a microwave, in a toaster, and pop tarts you can eat unheated. Lastly, pop tarts is in the cereal, hot cereal, oatmeal, etc., aisle in the grocery store. Toaster strudel is located in the frozen breakfast section with frozen pancakes, frozen sausage links, frozen hash browns, frozen waffles, frozen English muffins with sausage, egg, and cheese, etc, in the grocery store. 

Personally, I prefer pop tarts over toaster strudel. I can think of the times that I didn't have time to stay and eat breakfast while I was getting ready for school. This goes back to my mid teen's till early 20's, but I could always take pop tarts with me on the go. I like both frosted and non-frosted pop tarts. What I find interesting about pop tarts is that these pastries is delicious for breakfast, part of your lunch, or even for dessert after eating a big dinner. Pop tarts is really good with a glass of milk or with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Toaster strudel is limited because of the way you have to put the icing on the pastry. I sucked at making toaster strudel because I never could make the toaster strudel like they advertised in TV commercials. I found toaster strudel to be a lot of work and a mess. Toaster strudel is supposed to be extremely hot and the icing is supposed to melt on the pastry when you are spreading it. When I would make the toaster strudel, there were areas where the pastry was hot and other areas where the pastry was cold. The icing was rough by it being in the freezer with toaster strudel. I could never make the icing come out the way that they make it look easy on TV. I'm starting to think that I should have heated the icing in the microwave so by the time the icing was ready it wouldn't be so cold when trying to ice the toaster strudel. Toaster strudel just don't have that taste that pop tarts have in my opinion. Even heated I feel that pop tarts taste better than toaster strudel. Toaster strudel is too sweet for me. Give me pop tarts any day over toaster strudel. Just My 2 Cents. 


Monday, October 8, 2018

Burger King favor from restaurant manager

To all of my readers and fellow bloggers if Burger King is your favorite fast food restaurant like it is mine, then we may like some of the similar food at Burger King. My mom used to go through the Burger King drive thru window in Bloomfield and order food there. My mom stopped going to the drive thru window to order when she dealt with a worker who used to be stingy with the food. What I mean by stingy for example, cold fries is what the worker would give my mom when she asked for hot fries and small scoop ice cones when my mom would ask for ice cream cones. My mom had one particular manager that she had a complaint about who was Caribbean, she think that he was Jamaican because he talk with a Jamaican accent. Anyway, this guy was the manager and happened to be a worker who served my mom food that my mom ordered. My mom found the Caribbean manager to be rude at Burger King in Bloomfield. My mom stopped going through the drive thru because of the rude manager at Burger King. Me and my mom look forward to going to Burger King on Saturday's for lunch because right from there we go to the grocery store. My mom gets Burger King coupons in her flyer, which come every Thursday. Burger King always have good deals on food so the coupons that my mom cuts out of the flyer is always for lunch or dinner. My mom don't fool with the breakfast coupons because we never eat breakfast at Burger King.

Meanwhile, an incident happened when my mom and classmate from Capital Community College, went to the same Burger King in Bloomfield. My mom's classmate went to the drive thru window and had an encounter with the same Caribbean manager. My mom and her classmate had ordered their food and the manager had told them to wait a few minutes because he was going to serve them fresh food. My mom said that her and her classmate from school waited 10-15 minutes. The same manager served them cold fries and cold chicken fries. Naturally, my mom and her classmate said that the fries were cold because they trusted the manager when he told my mom and her classmate that he would serve them fresh food. The fries were indeed cold because my mom brought food home for me from Burger King. My mom had a similar experience when she sent me to go inside to order chicken fries last Saturday September 29, 2018. I happened to meet the manager because he was serving the food when I ordered inside. I mentioned to him that I want the fries hot and the chicken fries hot. The fries were hot but the chicken fries were cold. My mom got fed up with the Caribbean manager and one of the workers who work at Burger King told my mom how this same Caribbean manager almost got him in trouble. The manager sent the worker beginner trainers who didn't know the ropes of cooking at Burger King and the worker didn't understand how the manager would put beginner trainers off on him like that.

Finally, my mom decided to call and complain about the Caribbean manager. My mom called on Tuesday October 2, 2018. My mom talked to Laurel, the main manager at Burger King and filled Laurel in on all that had happened from the time my mom stop going through the drive thru because of the Caribbean manager attitude and him giving my mom cold fries when my mom asked for hot fries and a tiny scoop of ice cones up till when my mom and mom's classmate was lied to when they drove up to the drive thru window when the manager said that he would serve them fresh food and the manager served them cold fries. Laurel and my mom was chatting on the phone like they knew each other for a long time. Laurel said that she would make it up to my mom and me. Laurel told my mom the days that Laurel would be at Burger King. Laurel told my mom that we can order anything we want and that Laurel would hook us up. My mom mentioned to Laurel that my mom and me would be at Burger King Saturday October 6, 2018 and that she would stop by there on her way to the grocery store. My mom mentioned to Laurel that she didn't complain to get anything from Burger King, my mom was just tired of the devious manager that mom had to deal with at the drive thru window. Laurel insisted on treating me and my mom and my mom called Laurel to make sure that Laurel was there and that her shift wasn't over. My mom already pulled in Burger King parking lot and sent me in the restaurant. I ordered a bacon King meal, a Whopper with cheese, chicken fries, and another drink. Laurel had me bring the drinks to the car and Laurel brought the food to the car because Laurel wanted to meet my mom. Laurel met my mom and told my mom that if my mom have anymore complaints at Burger King to let Laurel know and she would hook my mom and me up with a free meal. The Lord really gave me and my mom favor with Laurel. We thanked Laurel for hooking us up like that. Laurel knew that Burger King is our favorite restaurant because at this point they are the fast food chain with all of the deals right now. Laurel also didn't want me and my mom to go to another restaurant just because of the rude manager that mom dealt with. I thought I would share a good story on favor and I am glad that I did. 😎😉

Saturday, October 6, 2018

How Mom Protected Her Kids During California Home Invasion

The mom was 100% in the right by pointing her weapon at the intruder. The kids life could have been in danger, then it would have been on the mom. The woman dialed 911 while pointing the gun at the intruder. It's was good seeing an intruder being held at gunpoint. Brittany Morse is a bonafide hero.  Morse's daughter noticed an intruder was in the house when she opened the daughter that led to the garage. As a Pro 2nd Amendment myself (a non-gun owner), I want to encourage gun owners like Morse to continue to protect you and your family "by any means necessary" from intruders. The intruder did perhaps the dumbest thing when he pleaded not guilty. The video camera got the guy's face and he was caught "red-handed." 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Autism Survivors, Domestic Violence Survivors, Breast Cancer Survivors, and Bullied Victims Survivors

Autism Awareness

Men who go through domestic violence

Domestic Violence Awareness from female Hip hop artist Missy Elliott

Actress Kathy Bates Breast Cancer Survivor

Bullying Awareness

To all of those who were victims of being bullied, tormented, overcome breast cancer, overcome domestic violence, and who suffered from autism thank you for making people like me aware of it not only during October but in your every day experience. I know that y'all can write a book on your experiences'. Only a handful of people can relate to the stories told from the topics mentioned above in my blog. So many people have a #MeToo movement. It's both men and women that were victims of domestic violence, being bullied, being cancer survivors whether breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, throat cancer etc. I just want to say thank you for telling your stories because y'all have inspired a lot of people to come forth and tell their stories. Too many people are silenced in fear that no one would believe their story or stories because he or she feel that they will get ridiculed for speaking out. There is nothing funny about a story or stories that causes pain, trauma, or any kind of discomfort and uneasiness. If you have friends, family, or relatives, or even you yourself that suffered from autism, domestic violence, breast cancer, or being bullied don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and encourage others to be bold like yourself. 

Last year, I wrote stories in blogs witnessing some of these topics and relating to some of these topics mentioned above. This year, I decided to use Giphy images to hit on these issues. I'm aware and I'm always prepared to be schooled when I don't have a clue on some issues. To all my readers and fellow bloggers continue to spread the word about Autism, Domestic Violence, Breast Cancer, and Bullying (both Cyber Bullying and School Bullying). I hope that all of my readers enjoy!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Fall Harvest Festival

If you ever been to fall events, one of the common fall events is the fall harvest festival. Pumpkins, apples, squashes, etc., are always on display outside. The fall leaves are beautiful orange color lying on the ground. Most church events have some of the following favorite desserts at them: Apple pie, apple cider (both hot and cold), apple pie, pecan pie sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, apple muffins, apple fritters, apple crisp, etc. The weather is just right with temperatures in the 60's. 

We all know how fall can also become extremely cold. Temperatures can drop into the upper 30's and 40's. People start wearing double layers of clothing when it get that cold. The really good thing about a fall harvest festival, whether at church or outside on the green, it's a really good fun family event. The family can even come out and watch a parade at the fall harvest festival. Fall harvest festivals vary by state and the state's surrounding town and how the townspeople celebrate! If you can get to a fall harvest festival, I want to encourage y'all to attend a fall harvest festival because you will be glad that you did. 😉

Wrongfully Jailed For Rape As A Teen, He Now Helps Others Falsely Convicted | Megyn Kelly TODAY

Check out a #MeToo Movement story from a former NFL football player on a YouTube video below. A woman falsely accused Brian Banks of rape. If the mainstream media is ever to cover a story, it would be a guy #MeToo movement but guys is never supposed be a victim of the #MeToo movement because they are supposed to be tough. Guys are not supposed to show any kind of emotional, anyone who is innocent of being convicted of a crime that he or she 100% know that they didn't commit will show emotion. You will see outrage, anger, tears, and other kind of emotion feeling the person's pain who really was sexually assaulted or raped. I've said in other posts and it bears repeating. I believe that it's 50-50. I believe the accuser of an alleged crime 50% and I believe the one who said that they didn't commit the crime 50%. If anyone report an alleged crime that happened past 7 years that it happened, it's going to be hard to convince people that the crime happened unless he or she was threatened with their life or their families life. My 2 Cents.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Andrew Wommack: God Wants You Well - Week 5 - Session 4

Words can't describe how impacting this testimony was. Carol Odenwald, describes how she ran from God. This woman had been through so many calamities. Ms. Odenwald's father committed suicide, Ms. Odenwald smoked for 25 years, Ms. Odenwald viewed herself as "not good enough" because of challenges that Ms. Odenwald had with her weight, and resisted God's plan for her life. Ms. Odenwald went through a stretch in her life that she was going to have to quit her habits in order for God to love her. Ms. Odenwald had met and married her husband Rob when they met at church. Ms. Odenwald and her husband Rob at the time were going to Charis Bible College and Ms. Odenwald let her job 10 months in advance that she was leaving. Ms. Odenwald and her husband left Florida and moved to Colorado. Ms. Odenwald thought it would work out in her marriage to Rob but God had a better plan for her life.

Ms. Odenwald did a 360 degree turn around when she quit smoking, lost weight that have controlled her life, stop playing in secular bands, quit doing drugs and drinking alcohol and finally let God control her life. God healed Ms. Odenwald of Hepatitis C. Ms. Odenwald learned to be content once she gave it all to Jesus. Ms. Odenwald went from taking little "baby steps" to big steps to change and realizes when Ms. Odenwald think about changing Ms. Odenwald understands she can pray and ask the Lord to order her steps. Philippians 4:11 King James Version (KJV) "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+4%3A11&version=KJV  Ms. Odenwald's testimony is an example who the Lord is doing 360 degree turnarounds in people's lives who ran from God like Jonah.https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+1-4&version=KJV

Friday, September 28, 2018

#MeToo Movements at September 27, 2018 Hearing

I had a chance to watch in segments the Christine Blasely Ford & Brett Kavanaugh hearing yesterday. Whether on CBS News, NBC News, Fox News, etc, Dr. Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh were both victims of the mainstream media circus show. 🎪 The prosecutor Rachel Mitchell should be commended for doing such a wonderful job conducting this hearing. Ms. Mitchell was impartial when she asked questions to both Dr. Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh. Dr. Ford had proven to be credible even with some holes in her story.  Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein had Dr. Ford's sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh in a letter since July of 2018 and Senator didn't disclose Dr. Ford's letter until September 13, 2018. Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh's lives' are ruined on a partisan hearing of Senate Democrats who praised Dr. Ford for testifying and attacked Mr. Kavanuagh because Democrats believed that Mr. Kavanaugh was guilty without any substantial evidence to back up their claims. I never saw anything so juvenile until I saw the way Senator Cory Booker, Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Richard Blumenthal (all Democrats) acted. If you believe Dr. Ford's allegation that's fine because I believe that Dr. Ford was sexually assaulted based on her allegation. If you want to believe Mr. Kavanaugh defense that's fine because I believe that he didn't sexually assault Dr. Ford when Mr. Kavanaugh defended himself. What I can't understand is what some people do to try to turn everything into a war zone to determine who is more ethical or more moral. Had Senator Feinstein would have disclosed the letter back in July like Dr. Ford wanted, the FBI could have did a proper investigation on Mr. Kavanaugh, who went through FBI investigations before. Mr. Kavanaugh have been investigated 6 times by the FBI and every time that Mr. Kavanaugh have been investigated the FBI found Kavanaugh clear, that's how Mr. Kavanaugh worked under then President George W. Bush, Jr in Bush's administration (President from 2000-2008). Mr. Kavanaugh clerked for retired Justice Anthony Kennedy in the Circuit Court District and have 12 years of experience. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Was This Florida History Teacher Fired for Being a Tough Grader?

When I was going to elementary school, junior high, and high school any students that didn't turn in homework assignments got zero's for their grades. When I was a junior in high school our Applied Economics teacher told us for those of who didn't do our homework at home (I was guilty of doing that a couple of times) when we were asked questions in class about the homework assignment to put "done in class" when our teacher went over the assignment. We still got a zero for not doing the homework but it didn't affect our classwork grade. This teacher was falsely fired and I'm thankful that there were teachers that held me accountable when I didn't do my homework like this teacher was doing to her students in Florida. Diane Tirado did the right thing by giving students zero's that didn't turn in their homework assignments. Some teachers would have took off points for every day a student didn't turn in their homework assignment and would have given them till 2 weeks to have their homework assignment in and would not have accepted their work after 2 weeks, some teachers wouldn't have accepted late assignments after a week. Teachers varies in teaching styles. Mrs. Tirado wished her students well and let them know that she was fired for not giving her students 50% (Florida school policy) that didn't turn in their homework assignments. 😮😞😭

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

'Tongue-Tied' Texas Boy Can Finally Speak, Thanks to Doctor

Six year old Texas boy Mason Motz, diagnosed with Sotos syndrome for 5 years finally learned talk. Mason had which was referred as "distinctive facial features and learning disabilities" was going through speech therapy because he wasn't able speak. Mason never gave up and had problems choking while eating and problems sleeping his mom mentioned. When Mason went to the pediatric dentist he learned that he was "tongue tied" and Mason's pediatric dentist was able to correct the situation. Mason has improved tremendously and is still going through to therapy. Mason has no more problems choking while eating, no more problems sleeping, and Mason can talk in complete sentences. Anyone parent or parents that have children that have any kind of disabilities, it's important to encourage your children to never quit and getting their children the help that he or she needs. Sometimes problems go unrecognized and I'm glad to hear about this boy's improvement and recovery.  

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Fictional Story: The Bake-off

Barrington Baptist Church Barrington, RI

Every year bake-offs happen in all 50 states. Each state have their very own way that do bake-offs. This particular bake-off took place in Barrington, RI. This is not like your normal bake-off where there is a trophy or money like there is in most bake-offs. This particular bake-off was at a church with that church being Barrington Baptist Church in Barrington. The members and visitors would vote on what their favorite dessert that they enjoyed the most. This would perhaps be the dessert the members and visitors at this church could see themselves getting the recipe and making that particular dessert on special occasions.

The church had 2 lovely ladies, who made perhaps 2 of the most delicious desserts that anyone could ever eat! One woman who have been at Barrington Baptist Church for over 10 years named Edith Scott and the other woman who have been at Barrington Baptist Church for 3 or 4 years named Rita Hudson. These woman have history of making delicious desserts because they bake desserts all of the time when there are church events. 

Edith, a blonde hair and black eyes woman is famous for her lemon meringue pies, cupcakes, cakes, and tarts. Edith decided that she would make something that people never really tried. Lemon meringue pie bars would be a change. When people are good at something they are what is referred to as "playing to their strengths." When he or she play to their strengths, that simply means they stick to what is a favorite and 9/10 times that is what works. Edith never knew it but she would meet someone who was just as good of a baker and a little better and that being Rita.

Rita, a brunette and brownish-bluish eyes woman surprised church members when she made this delicious triple chocolate mocha brownies. For 3 or 4 years Rita would hear how Edith always made delicious lemon meringue pies, cupcakes, cakes, and tarts. Rita is quiet when it comes to the desserts she bakes. Rita let everything play out until one day Rita shocked the congregation when Rita made this delicious triple chocolate mocha brownies at a church event. Rita and Edith were encouraged to enter in a church bake-off and respectfully bake the lemon meringue bars and triple chocolate mocha brownies. People were thinking that this was a competition with perhaps the 2 best bakers at BBC. However, this wasn't that type of competition. The church members would judge based on which dessert was their favorite out of Edith and Rita's. Every child and ever adult were asked which dessert that they liked the best. The church consists of 50 or more members, the votes came in. Rita's triple chocolate mocha brownies narrowly won by just 1 vote. The church didn't have a trophy or money for the winner because it was not that type of contest. $500 was donated to BBC by members and visitors of BBC.

Triple Chocolate Mocha Brownies 😋

Lemon Meringue Pie Bars 😋

Monday, September 17, 2018

The fond memories of my sweet Aunt Poem

RIP Aunt Brenda C. Anderson (June 28, 1946- September 6, 2018).

My Aunt Brenda is sweet how I remember her

She was plain and old-fashioned

My Aunt always took care of those who were sick and injured

Would see about them and made sure that they were all good

My Aunt was a nurse, a mom, a wife, a grandma, a great grandma, and a single mom

I can't believe my sweet Aunt is gone

I always enjoyed her home-cooking

Especially the way she made homemade baked beans

My Aunt always encouraged me to be myself

My Aunt was like a good friend

I enjoyed visiting her when me and my family would visit her in Plant City

In the beautiful sunshine state of Florida

My sweet Aunt always looked out for every one

Doing a lot for others more than anyone would know

My Aunt was always hospitable and strong willed

My Aunt hardly thought about herself

My Aunt inspired me to think of others before myself

I never thought that my Aunt would die young

'Cause at 72 my Aunt never changed in the 32 years that I've know her

My Aunt was plain and old fashioned

She wasn't really into technology like that

My Aunt never really cared for fancy things

She was always understanding and giving really good sound advice

Remembering how my Aunt would take my mom to get her the Zephryhills weld water

My Aunt didn't mind driving family around

Whether it was to a grocery store or to a family reunion event

My Aunt always enjoyed the company of others

My Aunt always made others happy because she was always herself

These memories of my Aunt will always be good

'Cause my Aunt was a good person

My Aunt always encouraged me to never get in trouble

To always be obedient and to help out my mom

My Aunt was always a positive influence

Aunt Brenda will be missed

That's the reason why I'm writing this poem and sharing from the heart

Inspiration from family and friends encouraging me to stay strong

Being able to weather the storm

My Aunt never wasted an opportunity in her 72 years on earth

 She enjoyed her job taking care of others and that my Aunt didn't mind

Is the same way I feel when the Lord put it on my heart to help and encourage people

I will never forget the 3 family reunions that I've been to with my Aunt

The 2 in Tampa, FL and the one we had in East Windsor, CT

How 2 times me and my mom traveled by plane and how my Aunt traveled by car

In the 32 years I've known my Aunt Brenda

I'm always thinking about and saying what a wonderful inspiration she has been to me

These fond memories of my Aunt I will always cherish

This poem and the words, having me shedding tears

This a beautiful picture of my Aunts. Aunt Theresa, Aunt Carrie, and Aunt Brenda photo taken back in 2008. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Man Who Appears to Have Been 'Arrested' Proposes to Girlfriend In Court

This was probably the most unusual proposal ever. The courtroom drama appeared like Brett Stidham proposed to his girlfriend Tiffany Allison before Stigham would be taken away in a jump suit and in shackles. This whole set up appeared like a guilty verdict for someone who look like he was going to spend the rest of his life in jail for committing a heinous crime. Stidham played this off really well. Stidman's girlfriend really looked shocked and speechless because she thought that her boyfriend was in serious trouble. When Stidham said, "I'm guilty for being madly in love with you" to his girlfriend and asked her if she would marry him, Stidham's girlfriend was speechless and didn't have anything to say. Tiffany said "Yes" and Brett & Tiffany are officially engaged. I'm thinking to myself suppose this wasn't a setup and Stidham was really in trouble, this would have devastated Allison. Allison would have to testify in the same courtroom. I'm sorry but jokingly this could've easily have happened. There were situations where the girlfriend or wife had to testify in court to try to prove if her boyfriend or husband was either innocent or guilty. These cases don't always end well for the boyfriend or husband in trouble. Just saying... 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Dallas Police Officer Fatally Shoots Neighbor After Entering Wrong Apart...

The Dallas cop who fatally shot Botham Jean 26, if charged would most likely be charged with negligent homicide. The female cop 30, entered the wrong house, that of Jean her neighbor and shot and killed Jean in his own home. The woman cop went on the 4th floor not the 3rd floor and thought that it was her floor and the door was unlock. Jean, a model citizen, an accountant and an devout church attender, lost his life. Paramedics tried to save Jean's life but couldn't. The neighbor in the same building said that those doors don't automatically lock when you close them. This woman cop was reckless and didn't at least use the signal saying, "put your hands up," even when the female cop thought that the Jean was an intruder. Jean was unarmed and the woman cop assumed that Jean looked like a threat to her. Most people think that there should be an ongoing investigation and they rightfully have a case. However, the woman cop would most likely be charged with negligence. Negligence homicide in the state of Texas is 180 days up to 2 years without parole in prison. I don't believe that this was racially motivated because I believe the woman cop would have reacted the same way if the woman cop thought that there was an intruder who was white and woman cop entered the home and thought that he or she was in the woman cop's home. My 2 Cents.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Colin Kaepernick signed by Nike does not effect me liking Nike

I was amazed at how many people were burning their Nike gear when they learned that Nike signed Colin Kaepernick and Kaepernick is in a commercial. I know that Nike carefully thought out what they were doing before they signed Colin Kaepernick to a contract. Hey Kaepernick, believe it or not, there were people who thought you had a right to express yourself. You don't take your issues on your job, what I mean by that is that the NFL fans paid their tickets to watch NFL players play football not to watch NFL players take a knee during the singing of the National Anthem. Kaepernick, you could have started a charity in San Franciso and put the millions that you were making while you were QB of the Niners, you could have talked to inner city kids ages 10 and up and expressed to them why you felt that it was wrong that police officers shot and killed unarmed teenagers, and you could have expressed why you felt it was wrong. Kaepernick, there is both a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things. When you're on a job, you have to listen to your boss even if you don't always agree with your boss. The boss is the one that does the hiring and you should have expressed to the coach and management how you felt about how what a lot of police officers do when they shoot and kill unarmed teenagers that didn't do anything to deserve to be killed is unjustifiable by the police in their actions while they are working on the police force. Kaepernick, you have a case about the police force but don't make everyone who is on the police force out to be the "bad guy or bad girl." 

To those who burned their Nike gear when they learned that Kaepernick was signed to a contract and making millions what were y'all thinking? Y'all spent lots of money for your Nike gear and you burned your Nike gear for what? That was not a smart thing to do. Nike may not have some of y'all as fans of their gear but Nike have been thriving for so long, people showing outrage in a lunatic acting way won't do anything to the company Nike. Nike will plummet in sales in the beginning but in order for Nike to be in jeopardy of losing business they would have to be involved in major scandals and write-ups. Nike is my favorite tennis shoes and Nike will always be my favorite tennis shoes. My old tennis shoes that were worn out were Nike and the pair of tennis shoes that have now is Nike. There are so many athletes that wear and love Nike a lot of athletes were endorsed by Nike and appeared in Nike commercials. Like the commercial "Just Do It." Kaepernick is not the first person that Nike signed to a contract that people don't particularly like and Kaepernick won't be the last that Nike sign to a contract that people particularly won't like. My 2 Cents.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Celebs Share Side Jobs After Geoffrey Owens Is Spotted Working at Trader...

This guy was shamed for working at Trader Joe's. For those who don't know Actor Geoffrey Owens, he played fictional character Elvin Tibideaux on The Cosby Show, the husband of Actress Sabrina Le Beauf, who played fictional character Sondra Huxtable. On The Cosby Show they had twins named Winnie & Nelson. To be honest, there are people who are famous who are flat broke because they didn't spend their money wisely. I commend Geoffrey Owens for continuing to find work, which a lot of people today don't pursue work and who choose to be lazy. Geoffrey Owens is offered to play in Tyler Perry's upcoming movie. Tyler Perry don't care if people are rich or poor he will give people a chance to earn substantial income and boost their career, especially if they "fell on hard times." Terry Crews and Patricia Heaton said it best, "Why is this news?"

Friday, August 31, 2018

Some Common Family Heirlooms

In a blog that I wrote Some common things that people enjoy collecting, 2 of the things that I've mentioned were Family Scrapbook and Family Recipes. There are people who have collectible items as part of their family heirlooms which is not uncommon. Family heirlooms are passed down from generation to generation. Family heirlooms is and will always be priceless! I'm going to list some common family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. My readers and fellow bloggers will find some of these heirlooms to be similar family heirlooms that were passed down from generation in their family and so forth.

Family Tea Set

Not only is a tea set a common family heirloom, it has sentimental value, too. For example, tea parties are common when family get together. Mom's and daughters especially spend time together when there is a mother-daughter event. English tea parties "rubs off" on Americans where they can enjoy them, too. This family heirloom is passed down from generation to generation. Tea sets are priceless and can't be replaced if they are damaged.

Family Toolbox

From generations to generations, fixing and repairing things have always been going on and still going on today. People have always used tools for that very reason. When fathers and sons get together they normally try to show off their skills at fixing and building things and they have a special room that they call a "man cave." This particular area can be the den or the basement it all depends on the area. Anyway, family toolbox is a common family heirloom for the simple reason there will always be things that need to be fixed.

Family Vase

Vases that are handmade are priceless! The ones that are made of glass that can break into pieces are cheap and not worth keeping as a family heirloom. There are people who enjoy making vases and tend to take up ceramics class to try to duplicate an original authentic handmade vase. Flowers are good for both the cheap and handmade vases. Keep these collectible handmade vases in the family and this will be passed down from generation to generation and so forth.

Family Jewels

Brooches, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pearls, diamonds, chains, watches, rings, etc, once this have been bought and stored in a chest, it's priceless! These items could never be replaced when they are lost. This family heirloom is passed down from generation to generation forever. It's important to keep it in the family and that way no one will ever have to buy any of these items. Special occasions for example, like weddings is no problem, the generation before you bought all of those jewelries in advance so generations to come would be set for life!

Family Business

Nothing says keeping it in the family like the family business. Whether a family run a business such as a restaurant, a car wash, or even a gift shop, the family want to maintain a good honest reputation. Like they say, "it only takes one dishonest person to mess up everything." That is why its really important that the family business is passed down to family who they can trust to hire honest people who will keep the business running smoothly like the generations before them have. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

10-Year-Old Refuses to Fight Bullies Because ‘It’s Not the Jedi Way’

This kid decided that you can't solve your problems by fighting. If this kid would have fought back in all honesty, he wouldn't be bullied any more in elementary school. However, he would probably face more bullies in Junior high school and even in high school, there is a time to stand up and defend yourself and walk away when you are outnumbered. Aiden Vasquez 10, have been bullied for the 3rd year his mom mentioned. But why be inspired by a Star Wars character Jedi knight Luke Skywalker? I'm going to have a video below of a high school girl who stood up to being bullied by another high school girl. Some people who watch this video will think that she is a hero like Aiden but the difference is that she fought back and Aiden didn't fight back.

This is a girl named Jaide, who kept on provoking another girl to fight her. The girl knew that Jaide was trying to act hard in front of her home girl. The girl was trying to give Jaide a chance to fight or walk away but Jaide kept telling the girl she wanted to fight every time that the girl was beating up Jaide. The girl delivered the knock out blow to Jaide and told Jaide "forget you." Jaide friend's is not really a friend. When you see your friend getting beat up like that you either jump in it to try and help your friend or you call for help for your friend. Jaide got exactly what she deserved.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Some common things that people enjoy collecting

How many of my readers and fellow bloggers like to collect things as part of their hobby? There are a lot of different things that some people enjoy collecting. People have their favorite item or items that they love to collect. If you don't collect things, then you know family members, friends, and relatives who collect things. People who like item or items will usually have their item or items labeled and some will have their items in alphabetical order. Listed below will be some of the collectible items that my readers and fellow bloggers may have in their house or their friends, family members, or relatives may have their favorite collectible items in their house.

DVD collection

We all know at least 1 or more people who collect DVD's as their hobby. Whether we have seen their DVD collection in their house or not, we know that they will talk about their favorite movies that they love to watch on DVD. There are classics movie lovers, like myself that enjoy good old school movies. I'm a fan of James Bond and Dick Tracy movies. Every one have their preference of movies that they like.

Mug collection

Coffee drinkers love collecting coffee mugs! Drinking coffee at coffee hour or at a cafe brings back fond memories for some. Some people met their spouse at events like coffee hour or going out for coffee. The mugs have wonderful sayings on some, Bible verses on some, plain mugs, and even mugs that got pics on them. Usually people find the humor in what was said on these mugs and to some people these mugs became a collectible item for them.

Coin collection

This is a common collectible item for those who are into coins. This is also a common hobby for those who consider coin collecting their favorite hobby. Some people collect pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters, etc. I like seeing Canadian coins and think that coin collection is quite an interesting hobby. I'm not much of a coin collector but think that coin collecting is cool. 

Family Tree scrapbooks

Scrapbooks are made from scratch. When you have a family, you make sure you have pics from birth up until now. This works for both large & small families. Mom and dad's family tree will have all of the family members, friends who were like family, relatives, etc. Scrapbooks are passed down from generation to generation and the new addition to the family add pics of their family and so on and so on. Scrapbooks have "sentimental value" to it because it have the time line of events that happened and fond memories of family spending time together with each other laughing and crying. Family reunions is a wonderful way for scrap-booking pics at family events. Scrapbooks are priceless!

Family recipes collection

For those who love mama's apple pie or grandma's peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, keeping a family recipes collection is a wonderful idea! Family recipes have sentimental value and is normally passed down from generation to generation. There are recipes that I personally want to try when I'm tuning in and listening to a cooking segment on TV. When I watched Food Network back in 2005 I used to watch Rachael Ray, Paula Deen, and Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten) on TV. I really enjoyed Paula Deen's and Ina Garten's cooking. They kind of reminded me of the late Julia Child, who was a phenomenal cook the way that these women would cook and give you step by step their recipe of the different foods that they would cook. I also enjoyed watching Martha Stewart's cooking when she had her cooking show on Fox. Anyway, recipes whether copied from the newspaper, online, or even written down on paper is good to have.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Languages & Cultures


I've been wanting to visit this country since my Junior year of high school. When I took up French II, my French teacher told her class that there was going to be a 12 day trip to Canada with Chaperones. The class would learn about the culture, food, and the language. French is the language that is spoken in Canada. My French class wasn't able to go because not enough students signed up to go. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Ontario are the desired areas that I want to visit.


Growing up I ate Italian food, it's not my 2nd favorite food for nothing. That's one of the reasons why I love Italian food! I've always wanted to visit Italy. I want to learn how to speak fluent Italian. Italy is a country that I know that I will love when I come and visit! Sicily, Rome, and Florence are my desired areas that I want to visit.


Spain like Canada is a country I've always wanted to visit. I want to learn to be able to speak Spanish fluently like I want to learn how to speak Italian fluently. I want to visit Madrid and learn the Spanish culture. A lot of jobs are hiring people who are bilingual. I grew up eating some Spanish food. Spain is on my countries that I would like to visit someday.


I can count how many people that I've met that are from England where I'm from. They speak with the English accent. There are a few that grew up in the U.K. and live in the US. I feel that I can adapt to the culture once I visit this country. I've had some English food and I know how delicious their food it! 


Where I'm from we have a wonderful supermarket in West Hartford, CT called Crowns Supermarket in Bishop's Corner. Crowns have wonderful Jewish food. Me & my family have been going to Crowns for so many years. Crowns have wonderful Noodle Kugel (A Jewish pudding with fruit). I've heard it's recommended eaten warm for best taste; it's served at the deli in Crowns. Jewish tea biscuits is another wonderful Jewish treat. There is a lot of sightseeing that I know I would want to do in Jerusalem. Adapting to Jewish language and culture is something I know I would love while visiting Jerusalem. I can count how many Jewish Americans that are in the US where I'm from. There are a lot of Americans who have relocated to Jerusalem and have become American Israeli citizens to start a wonderful life for their family! 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hero Daughter Is Seriously Injured Saving Mom From Oncoming Train

Susan Wenszell and her daughter Katie were nearly killed by a train while vacationing in Atlanta, GA. A man pushed Susan in front of the train and Katie jumped in the way to protect her my mom from getting hit. Both women were hurt and had to be hospitalized. Katie had to have one of her foot amputated and is in critical condition. Katie's mom, Susan suffered only minor injuries. Jerry Wenszell, Susan's wife and Katie's daughter learned from Katie's sister about the whole ordeal that Susan and Katie went through. Jerry believed if it was not for Katie risking her life to save Susan that Jerry's wife Susan would have been brought home in a funeral. Katie is a true hero.😤👏👏

I felt led to share this story because hero's come in many ways. We hear stories all of the time how mom or dad risk their life to save their children's life and we see there are children that would do the same for their parents. I was glad to hear about the crazy lunatic man was arrested for pushing Susan into a moving train. The lunatic man should be in a Psychiatric (Mental) hospital because he has a mental problem. Once again, Katie showed her bravery looking out for her mom!📣

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Some favorite movie snacks

I remember when I used to go to the movies when I was little and get tickets and $5, $7.50, or $10 for spending money would be enough for popcorn, soda, and some snacks. That was a different time and a different era back when snacks wasn't too pricey. The movies wasn't too pricey back then either. So what do you do? It's recommended that you purchase your favorite classics on CD or DVD for cheap and play your favorite movie or movies on your CD player or your DVD player at home. The snacks are too pricey because the spending money you need is like $20 or more now. If you're into buying your favorite movie snacks for really reasonable, then go to your favorite grocery store. I will have listed below some really good popular movie snacks for my readers and fellow bloggers to enjoy!


Now you can't watch your favorite movie without popcorn. Watching a movie without a bowl or tub of popcorn we all know would not be the same. Kettle corn or white cheddar (just saying) are really good flavors of popcorn. Whatever you like on your popcorn or with your popcorn, go for it! Kettle corn and M & M's are a delicious combination!

Milk Duds

This old school candy is a classic movie favorite. This snack is delicious and I enjoy the way it stick to my teeth whenever I eat them, lol. Watching classics would not be the same without this snack. Milk duds and raisinets are a must have!

Mike & Ikes

Mike & Ikes and Sour patches are really good movie snacks. Be prepared to wash these snacks down with some ice cold drink because you will be thirsty. I enjoy Mike & Ikes whenever I eat them. These old school candy snacks never stop being a favorite or fond memories of watching movies at the movie theater or at home.

Homemade Soft Pretzels

This is really good when you're watching your favorite movie or movies. Cheese sauce is a must have when eating these delicious homemade soft pretzels. You can choose to get your favorite soft pretzels at concession stands or at a restaurant. I prefer to get mine at Cumberland Farms because they taste just as good and not too pricey.

Fruit Punch

People don't usually get fruit punch when they go to the movies. They will drink Mountain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, etc. If there is fruit punch  at the movie theter, it's a rarity but popular old school drink. In all honesty, I used to drink the flavors of sodas that I've mentioned but if I had to pick out of soda and fruit drinks now I will drink fruit drinks over the sodas. Back then I would have chosen soda over fruit punch hands down!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Education the way that I remember it when I was in school

Growing up in the 80's and 90's I remember the 3 R's. Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic. We were taught the 5 W's, too (Who, what, when, where, and why). We learned cursive writing is what we had to do when I was in 3rd grade in elementary school. I remember watching some of the following educational shows: Square One, 321 Contact, Double Dare, After school special, Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego, etc. We were taught Common Sense in school. Common Core was not even thought of when I was in elementary school. We did use computers when I was growing up in elementary school. There was no internet, social media wasn't even thought of, and the only spell check we did is when we manually wrote the correct word, phrase, and punctuation, typing it on the computer with sentences that had fragments, run-ons, comma splices, etc. For me that was a big help for me writing complete sentences. There were other kids who used "hooked on phonics" who had problem reading on grade level. There were other kids who had a speech teacher, who helped them with pronunciation, the resources were there and the teachers made sure the students got the help that needed in order to succeed when I was in elementary school. Basically, computer was strictly used for learning and learning only when I was in elementary school. For fun, our teacher let us play Wheel of Fortune on computer and The Oregon Trail only if everyone had their homework and classwork done. 

Nowadays, a good education comes from either homeschooling, which I think is a wonderful thing and I can't knock it and K-12 online which is advertised online. None of this was thought of when I was going to elementary school. From K-6 grade, we stayed in one classroom when I was in elementary school. We were taught 7 subjects which varied from grades the following: Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, Language Arts, Music, and Art. We got both a letter grade and a number grade. E- Excellent, G- Good, S- Satisfactory, and U- Unsatisfactory, 1- Excellent, 2- Good, 3- Satisfactory, and 4- Unsatisfactory or Poor. In elementary school from K-2 grade I got the letter grades above (E- Excellent, G- Good, S- Satisfactory, and U- Unsatisfactory). From 3 grade-6th grade, I got grades of A, B, C, D, and U along with the number grades (1- Excellent, 2- Good, 3- Satisfactory, and 4- Unsatisfactory or Poor). We always got progress reports for each marking period, (there were 4 marking periods) from 7th-12th grade we just got letter grades and moved to different rooms. Teachers and parents had parent teacher conferences when need be, especially if the parent or parents child or children were on a verge of failing. The progress reports were to make sure that the parent or parents knew if their child or children were doing well or not so well in their classes. Teachers encouraged the parent or parents to continue to encourage their child or children to continue to do summer reading programs, quiz them on homework to help their kids prepare for tests or quizzes, tell their kids to continue their study habits. This would help their child or children be prepared for harder subjects when they get passed to the next grade and when he or she graduate from high school they will understand why taking good notes and studying really "paid off."


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Some of my favorite commercials

To all of my readers and fellow bloggers I felt led to write a blog about some of my favorite childhood commercials. In all honesty, the commercials that they show on TV now I have no comment about. Advertising through commercials is all about promoting some of the following: Food, clothes, products, toys, movies, TV shows, cartoons, etc. Most of the advertisement through these commercials were good "attention grabbers" that persuaded us to get those which are promoted in the commercials. Listed below I will have some of my favorite childhood commercials. I will have the 80's era commercials because I grew up in the 80's and 90's. Readers and fellow bloggers you're encouraged to think about your favorite commercials in your era. We may not all come from the same era but we all know good commercials. The commercials are a lot different in today's era.

I was a little boy when they used to advertise "where is the beef" commercial for Wendy's. The senior ladies is who made this commercial funny, lol. The timing and the way the senior lady would ask where is the beef about 3 or 4 times. Commercial is combined with 2 Wendy's commercials.

Too bad this store is closed. I used to enjoy the advertisements when I was a kid. Parents were busy shopping big time for Thanksgiving and Christmas, lol for their kids at Toys R US. 

"Mikey likes it he really likes it!" Life commercial was popular in the 70's and I used watch this commercial a lot on TV when I was little in the 80's. I've had the cereal Life and I really like it! My favorite Life cereal is Cinnamon.

My baby-sitter used to watch this a lot when she used to watch me when I was little. She was into jewelry. When they used to advertise jewelry on the Home Shopping Club, I thought that addiction that people who bought things using their credit cards back in the 1980's was a normal addiction. The advertisers would grab the attention of those who wanted to buy things and offer them something for free.

I was a big Sally Struthers fan and I'm still am because I remember this commercial used to play a lot when I was little. It seemed like people wasn't trying to rip people off as much back in the 80's. This commercial made me realize "how good I really have it" when I would think that there is not enough food in the house. My favorite thing to say was, "I'm hungry" but when this commercial would play with kids who are in Ethiopia, who didn't have food or clothes I changed my attitude when I was kid. They just don't make commercials like these mentioned in my blog anymore.